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Yugioh Nexus 006 - The Dangers of Vanity! The Gorgon Menace! Part 1

Yukio is walking back to his house from his duel with Miyoko smiling, followed by Kazumi, Seiji and Shadow.

Yukio: Now, I don't want to brag, but I was pretty awesome in that duel against that girl!

Seiji: ...Yukio, stop changing the subject. What the hell just happened?!

Yukio turns to face Seiji.

Yukio: I guess I own you guys the truth...

Meanwhile, in another part of town...

Man: P-please, don't hurt, I'll anything!!

A shadowed figure walks up to man as he kneels on the floor.

Figure: Time you payed for your sins.

Man: W-what?!

Figure: Show him Oblivion!!

The figure points up and the man looks up and screams a dragon descends from the sky, down on him.


Seiji: I'm sorry, did you just say that invisible guy from your duel with Jared is still around and from another dimension, as well as the Numbers cards and that girl you dueled?

Yukio gives an uneasy smile.

Yukio: Uh, yeah, I kinda did.

Seiji: Idiot.

Seiji walks off as Kazumi looks off at Seiji.

Kazumi: Yukio...Sometimes you need to be a bit more serious!*She runs off, following Seiji's path*

Yukio: Ah...*He frowns*

Shadow: I'm sorry about this, Yukio.

Yukio: Yeah? Well, you should be. Come on, let's just go home.

Shadow and Yukio start walking back to Yukio's, as the screen goes to Kazumi's location.

Kazumi: What is Yukio think he's doing, say such stupid things about other worl- Huh?

Kazumi sees a woman in a beautiful dress walking her.

Kazumi: Whoa...She's looks amazing.

The woman walks towards Kazumi, smiling.

Woman: Excuse me, young lady. I was wondering if you could help me with something?

Kazumi: Huh..? What with, ma'am?

Yukio walks into his house and slams the door.

Yukio: Stupid Seiji...stupid Kazumi...

Katsu: Yukio, what's matter?

Yukio looks in to the living room and sees Katsu holding a box filled with old wedding magazines.

Yukio: ...Hahahaah!

Katsu: Huh? What's funny?

Yukio: Oh, nothing, don't worry about it.*Holds in a laugh* Y-you've been a great help.

Yukio walks out the room as Katsu looks confused.

Shadow: Yukio, why did you just laugh just know?

Yukio: Hmm? Oh that. Well, when Katsu and Satomi first said they where getting married, Satomi refused to let Katsu with the planning and now look, he's helping out as a shelf.

Shadow: I suppose when you put it like...It still doesn't make sense.

Yukio sighs as the pair head up to his room. As he enters his room, his computer bleeps.

Yukio: Looks like I've got an e-mail from...Kazumi?

Shadow: Really?

Yukio: Yeah, better play it.

Yukio hits the play button and picks up his D-Pad. The message starts.

Kazumi(Recorded): Hi guys. Now, I know we're a bit tense from early, but I have some great news. When I was walking back home, I met Michella Forti!

Yukio: Michella Forti?!! Is she kidding me?

Shadow: Who's Michella Forti?

Yukio: You don't know about her?! She a famous, well, everything. Model, actress, adventurer, writer and, best of all, a notoriously powerful duelist!! And she's only 19!!

Shadow: We should be paying attention to the message...

Yukio: Right.

Kazumi(Recorded): ...I was helping with her things and as a thank you she invited me to a party! And she said I could invite some friends!

Yukio: W-wait what?! Does she mean...!!

Kazumi(Recorded): Yukio, Seiji, I want you to come to the party! I'll pick you guys up later! Ciao!

Yukio: *Stands as the message ends* Alright then, it's time to party!

Reporter(TV in background): In other news today, a man was found in critical condition after suffering from a tremendous force today.

Yukio: *Sorting through his clothes* What do you think I should wear?

Shadow: I don't care. Besides, didn't you hear the news just know?

Yukio: Yeah, but it has nothing to do with us, does it?

Shadow: Well-

Reporter: When the man was questioned over what happened to him, he refused to give any information other than that he's paid for his sins and his number was proof of his sins.

Yukio: What?! No way!

Shadow: ...I think it might be our problem now.

Yukio: *Sarcastically* Really?

Meanwhile, in a fancy looking apartment, Kazumi, wearing an elegant dress, as Michella walks in into the room and sits down next to Kazumi.

Michella: So, Kazumi, you were telling me about your friends?

Kazumi: Oh yeah. Seiji quite a respectable guy, but Yukio-

Michella: Ah, the boy you were talking about when we met?

Kazumi: Yes, he's got this crazy story and he just won't let go of it. He's always saying there's this "spirit" that's following him around.

Michella: "Spirit"?

Kazumi: Yes. He says it release these cards called Numbers *Michella's eyes widen* and that he has to collect them.

Michella: Well, boys will be boys. He's probably trying to impress you and Seiji.

Kazumi: I think that sometimes, but he seems so convinced about this Shadow's existence...

Michella: Look, it's time we headed to the party. Let's just go and pick up your friends.

Kazumi: *Nods* Yeah.

They pack their things as Kazumi leaves.

Yukio steps into a limo and sits, an angry look covering his face. Seiji scrowls at him.

Kazumi: Please you two, just calm yourselves.

Seiji: Why should I? Yukio's the one being an idoit.

Yukio: ...*Bearing his teeth* I'll let that one slide because it's just a matter of you not being able to see him.

Seiji: Whatever...

30 minutesc later...

Yukio: *Stuffing his face with mini shrimps as Kazumi starts scowling him*

Seiji: *Looking around at the people at the party* Quite a fancy party.

Yukio: Yeah-*Devours the handful of shrimps in his mouth*-For a stiff like you.

Seiji: You-!!

Michella: *Clinks a champagne glass on the main stage* Ladies and gentlemen, I would to say a few words.

???: As would I.*A man walks on to the stage from backstage*

Yukio: Who's that?

Kazumi: You've got me.

Man: *Turns to crowd* My name's Ryuu Ageda. And I must unfortunately tell you all you're currently in danger.

Seiji: *Shows slient worry* ...Danger?

Ryuu: Now, I must ask you leave. Miss Forti, follow me.

Yukio: *Walking up to the stage* Hey, what do mean in danger? From what?

Ryuu: *Slightly evil grin* This woman's sin.

Yukio: Huh?

Ryuu presses a button on his D-Pad, which creates a strange field around Yukio and Michella, freezing everyone else in the area.

Yukio: *Panics as Kazumi and Seiji freeze in place, while himself, Michella and Ryuu are unaffected* W-what?! You, butt-face! What have you done?

Ryuu: *Looking at Yukio with slient anger* I see. You carry sin in your heart as well, huh? Stone birds, one stone.

Michella: Him as well? Oh no...

Yukio: What do you mean?

Ryuu: *Launches a strange energy string from his D-Pad at Michella's and Yukio's D-Pad* Time for you two to repent for your sins. Duel me!

Michella: Please, can't we-

Yukio: There's no point talking about this.*Gets up on the stage* Look at his eyes. He's furious.

Ryuu: Very observant.*D-Gazer tatoo appears on his left eye* Now hurry up!

Michella: Yukio, I don't think we should duel this guy.

Yukio: *Shuggers* What harm could it do?

All: Duel! [LP: 4000]

Ryuu: Turns will alternate between me, the boy, the women and back to me. Draw!

Yukio: Geez, talk about self-centered...

Ryuu: I summon Axe Dragonute[2000/1200] and set two cards. Turn end. *Points at Yukio* Your turn, fool.

Yukio: You really are something. Draw! I summon Gogogo Golem[1800/1500] and set a card. Turn end. Come on Michella, show this goon who's in charge!

Michella: U-uh... Draw. I summon Vanity Idol-Golden Lady[Lv4 1900/1300] Then her effect activates, inflicting damage to my opponent equal to 300 times the number of Vanity Idol monsters I control. I control only one, you take 300 points of damage.

Ryuu: I don't think so. Trap card, Reflecting Scales! While I control a dragon-type, I can negate effect damage and reflect back to an opponent.

Michella: Damn it...

Yukio: A reverse to effect damage, huh?

Ryuu: Yeah. Now, tell me how much it hurts.

Yukio: What?!

Michella: Oh no!

Golden Lady lauches a dark energy blast at Ryuu, which is hit away from him by Dragonute and goes towards Yukio.

Yukio: *Covers his face* Arggh..? [LP 3700] I got the hit? Damn...

Michella: Why didn't I get the hit?

Ryuu: ...It's still your turn.

Michella: !.. I set a card. Turn end.

Ryuu: Hmph! Draw! I activate the spell, Mirror Soul. This allows me to create a Dragon Soul Token equivilant to Axe Dragonute[2000/1200] and summon Dodger Dragon![1900/1200]

Shadow: *Materialises next to Yukio* He's got three level fours.

Ryuu: Oh, I get it. That's why you aren't being affect by the array. The sentinal.

Shadow: What?!

Yukio: Huh? What are you talking about a sentinal?

Ryuu: *Points directly at Shadow* Him!

Yukio: You can see him?!

Ryuu: Of course. So can the girl I suspect.

Michella: *Slowly nods in argeement*

Yukio: Big deal. Make your move, idiot!

Shadow: Yukio, don't!

Ryuu: I overlay my three level fours in order to create the overlay network! *The xyz spiral appears in a black hole and crashes* Appear, the destroyer of the sinful and king of Oblivion, Number 82: Oblivion Dragon!![3000/2500]

Yukio: Whoa! Guess Shadow was right...

Michella: Another Numbers cards..?!

Shadow: You have knowledge of Numbers?

Ryuu: More than that. She holds one.

Yukio: Another Numbers...So if he wins, he'll get it.

Ryuu: *D-Pad starts bleeping* What?! An anomaly in the field? *Turns to the crowd as he sees Seiji and Kazumi start to move*

Seiji: W-what happened..?

Kazumi: Yeah, we were just... *Notices the duel* What are you doing Yukio?!!

Yukio: Me?! What about that guy!

Ryuu: ...I've had enough of this. This can't be happening, those two being unaffected... Oblivion, take down those two!

Michella: W-what?!

Seiji: *Oblivion breathes a dark fire towards Kazumi and Seiji* This is impossible!

Kazumi: YUKIO!!

Yukio/Shadow: KAZUMI!! *Both reach out their hand as the fire heads towards Kazumi and Seiji*


Yukio: Today's card is Vanity Idol-Golden Lady. She's strangely powerful for a burn monster. With 1900 ATK and 1300 DEF, she inflicts 300 points for each Vanity Idol monster you control.

Shadow: I'm looking forward to seeing more of these cards.

Yukio: Me too. Hey, the episode title mentions a Gorgon, but I didn't see one.

Shadow: You should've read more than "Gorgon". This is part 1.

Yukio: Oh, hehe...

Next time ~ The Dangers of Vanity! The Gorgon Menace! Part 2

Ryuu: You two will pay for your sin!

Yukio: Quit talking about sins! I'm a good person!

Ryuu: You're not. You hold a Numbers in your heart.

Yukio: What does that have to do with anything..?