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*Wolf3sc99 Blog

What's up w/me

well, not much is new. except that my dog and 1 of my parakeets died :(. and my brother is taking flight lessons. speaking of my brother, he's pestering to get off the computer so i can go on. sorry!! i'll have to write more later. but just so you know, i probably won't be on here everyday like before. sorry, but, y'know... whenver i have the time :( talk later!


whoa, check out the teeth! i wouldn't to get bitten by this kitty! tigers don't really want to attack people though. they'd rather avoid us. if they did attack, it's be to protect themselves, their young, or they were really hungry. A tiger only catches it's prey about 20% of the time. it's stripes are like our fingerprints. thigers are the only striped wild cat,and their sripes aren't just on teir fur, they're also on the tiger's fur. White tigers aren't a differnt species, they are a kind of mutated tiger, sort of like an albino. kind of. there used to be 5 kinds of tigers, now there are 3. :( i guess that's all the tiger tidbits for now. (i'm the animal trivia girl. ask me about any random animal, and i can give you info on it) :)


Well, i'm back! now to tell yallwhat's new with me. i got a cockatiel for christmas. she's really cool and tame. And I think she's really close to learning how to talk! One of my fish has died :(, but I got 2 new ones. A black angel fish name Minuit (cuz it's black and minuit is "midnight" in french), and this guppy thing with a really fancy tail named... TC! I named him that cuz he has 3 colrs on him, so it made me think of three's company. I've began my card-collecting again. I collect pokemon cards. I know that seems kind of childish, but it's kind of like stamp collecting, and some are worth alot (plus i like looking at the picture). I have about 500 random cards, and some card collections of indivdual pokemon (i got every card made of charizard...) but anyway. My brother is taking flight lessons. As in flying an airplane, and he just turned 16. I think he has a much more exiting life compared to me. I have exams all this week, but the good thing is that i get out of school at 11 am, cuz i have 2 exams a day, each an hour and 1/2 long. so that's cool... It's been really cold lately. about 2 days ago it was about 10 degrees out (jedi would probably die! ;) ) but anyway. *yawn* i'm sleepy, so i think i'll stop here. but i'll write more if i think of anything later. See ya on the boards!

so happy!

today @ skool ended of in the best way!well, i had french, which would normally be the class i'd be dreading. but not lately. there's this really nice girl (who's a junior) named morphia who've i've been DYING to get to know and stuff. but i'm so shy i couldn't even talk to her, and it was driving me nuts! but today we had a sub for french,and all we had to do the work the regular teacher left, then once we did that we could do basically whatever we wanted. so when we finished i considered talking to morphia, but she was sitting with this other girl and i was still shy.but at the end of the class, morphia was sitting by herself studying. so i kind of went over there and sat in the desk in front of her. iacted casual, talking to my other friend. then i was quite for a minute. then with 5 minutes left of class (and school) i knew i had to say something. if i didn't i'd be so mad at myself later. so i looked and saw she was looking over this big stack of papers. "that's alot of papers!" i said and, well, we got into this little conversaition. it lasted the 5 minutes we had. but it was SO GREAT!!!i'm gonna try to talk to her more! sorry if this doesn't seem very big, but it was to me! any shy person can understand what i meen. and for those who don't, it was kind of like having a crush but being scared to tell them (this wasn't a crush though... it was a friend-wanting). eeeeeeeeeeee... but i'm so happy i talked to her! :) ;) :P :D 8)

Some Random Stuff

well i haven't blogged in a while, so i figureed i'd do one now. It snowed last night and on saturday. it's about and inch and 1/2 deep. it's kind of funny, because when i was little as soon as i woke up and saw it had snowed i have to go outside RIGHT away, and then spend the whole day out in the snow. it was like such a big deal then, but now i'm just like "oh, cool, it snowed. looks pretty. (i hope school gets cancled)", and then maybe i'll go out for a while later in the day. kind of funny. the other day i was a website looking for a picture of this wild cat (the asiatic golden cat) and the websits had pictures and info about every wild cat. but it was really sad, because alot of them, like 80% were endangered. and more were labled as "critical"- which is not endangered but pretty close to it. one cat's (i forget the name) staus was "extremly rare", "population: unknown", and they didn't even have a picture of it. it was sad. i want to do something to help, but i don't know what. i would donate to the websites, but you have to have a credit card. i would voulenteer, but there's nowhere around hear where i could. it's the same with gorillas and great apes. i mean, they're the closest thing in the world to us, but if we don't do something now, within 25 years, they could be extinct. *sigh* my dad got these new dvds- it's 50 "classic" horror movies from like 1950. none of them are that great though, i think. one of them isn't really a horror movie at all. it's "the last woman on earth", and it's more romantic thatn scary. but i like it though. it's about the only movie of those i like.... i wish a had a big sister. i know i sounds weird. i have a big brother. he's 1 year older but... eh. i want a girl whose like 2 or 3 years older who i could talk about girl stuff with. my friends are ok, but, y'know, they can't always be there. i asked my mom if we could maybe get a foster sister. she said "no" right away. grr... well, i geuss that's all for now. see ya on the boards!

I'm back!

well, my internet's back up again, so i'm back in business! I am also now 14 years old, and happy late thanksgiving! ;)

Just so you know...

just letting all you guys know that i don't have the internet at my house anymore, and i won't be able to get it back for maybe a couple weeks. so i won't be on as often. about once or twice every day or other day. i'm going to have to type everything at school, so i can't make any promises that i can be there all the time. please be patient with me in the meanwhile. thanks alot!!!

Lone Forum Writer

on, i have some faveorite shows that don't get much attention. there was absalutly nothing on their forum. so i made up a topic for them, and have been writing there. but, i'm the only person there! it's like i'm talking to myself! the shows are "the crocodile hunter diaries", "caroll burnett and freinds", and "the dick van dyke show". am i the only one who cares about these shows? just go to the forum for these shows and you'll see what i'll meen. there will be like 1 or 2 topics, and about 90% or all of the posts will be writtn by me. another show like this is "darcey's wild life". that has about 3 people writing on there, but it's slow work. so, please my friends, please help me out and post something on those forums! it's meen so much to me! ...and the shows need some recognition! you can just click on the link on my "my shows" thing, then go to it's forum. thanks so much! :D

Animal Stuff

well, lately i've been thinking about what i wnat to do when i grow up. i think i want ot do something about helping endangered animal, primarilly gorillas (other great apes), or big cats. i would like to move to austrailia. not sure why excactly. i'm facinated by the animals there, and maybe for a change of scenery. oh well. right now i figured i could voulenteer at the animal shelter, and work at a pet shop nearby. plus, my high school has a thing where when your in 10th grade you can go and study at the aquarium. you can study the animals there (as well as your other subjects), and it sounds really cool. i'm pretty sure you'd get to interact with them and everything. when i'm older and 1st get out of college, as i'm trying to get a place in heklping endangered animals, i would like to work in a zoo for a while. on another animal note, i will be soon putting up some pictures of my pets on my myspace profile. i also want to get a boa constrictor as a pet. we have one in our bio room, and we get to hold it. i absalutley LOVE it, so i asked my parents if i can get one. their thinking about it. i really hope i can get it! well, my birthday's in 19 days. hmm. well, i think i'll end here. i gotta go eat stuff.
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