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Well, i'm back! now to tell yallwhat's new with me. i got a cockatiel for christmas. she's really cool and tame. And I think she's really close to learning how to talk! One of my fish has died :(, but I got 2 new ones. A black angel fish name Minuit (cuz it's black and minuit is "midnight" in french), and this guppy thing with a really fancy tail named... TC! I named him that cuz he has 3 colrs on him, so it made me think of three's company. I've began my card-collecting again. I collect pokemon cards. I know that seems kind of childish, but it's kind of like stamp collecting, and some are worth alot (plus i like looking at the picture). I have about 500 random cards, and some card collections of indivdual pokemon (i got every card made of charizard...) but anyway. My brother is taking flight lessons. As in flying an airplane, and he just turned 16. I think he has a much more exiting life compared to me. I have exams all this week, but the good thing is that i get out of school at 11 am, cuz i have 2 exams a day, each an hour and 1/2 long. so that's cool... It's been really cold lately. about 2 days ago it was about 10 degrees out (jedi would probably die! ;) ) but anyway. *yawn* i'm sleepy, so i think i'll stop here. but i'll write more if i think of anything later. See ya on the boards!