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Right. Haven't I promised you guys some pictures from our hostage situation a few weeks ago? :D It's quite hilarious... or retarded, depending on what kind of person you are. LOL.

So... all these pictures are from French (second block). It was amazing what we were allowed to do with a substitute there. :lol:

(Right. So first, this is Dany trapping Brittany P. in one of the cabinets. We found a roll of duct-tape... and our imagination soared. LOL.)

Right. So they shut me and Brittany up by sticking LAYERS of duct-tape across our mouths. LOL. And Holli had the bright idea, since I looked so happy about getting taken hostage, to draw a smilie face on my piece of tape to indicate to you people that there is no real danger.... no one got hurt in the process.... except our school shirts. They're all full of that nasty tape crap. LOL.

OMG. And so who knows about the new X-Files movie? *jumps up and down* I'm going to be the first one in my city to see it. I don't care if I have to sleep in my car in the parking lot the day before, I am GOING TO BE THE FIRST PERSON TO BUY A TICKET AND THE FIRST PERSON TO GO INTO THE THEATER. LOL. Sorry for the caps, but I must stress to you people how important this new movie is for me.