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*adidaZuko Blog

The end of AWS is in sight!


10:30-11:30 Into the Fire Nation: Nickelodeon's Avatar: The Last Airbender, Season 3 Sneak Peek—Get a first look at what's to come in the third season, including clips from new episodes; a visual tour of the Fire Nation from show creator Bryan Konietzko and director Joaquim Dos Santos (Justice League); insider information from the show's head writer Aaron Ehasz (Futurama); and a voice-over demonstration from Dee Baker (The Fairly OddParents), who voices Appa and Momo. Don't forget to come in your Avatar costume—there will be a very special prize for the best one! Moderated by Eric Coleman, VP/executive producer, animation production and development. Room 6A

Someone over on DH (alternacoppa?) will be recording the whole thing. We're finally going to get SOMETHING.

wow it's been that long...

since I've updated. Hmm...uh, I feel a repeat from last post coming, wait, I got something.

Kataang and Maiko: I've embraced my inner shipper and officially begun shipping Kataang and Maiko. 
Kataang - it's canon; they're relationship is so strong already, it could easily bloom into a romance (I've never been a fan of the whole, passionate, love/hate relationship thing); it kills all chances of Zutara (I don't like those two together).
Maiko - It'd be good for Zuko to have an ally, someone he can really talk to.

^Just an abridged little excerpt. I've got a whole shipping rant that I'm gonna post on livejournal...eventually.

What else...I got a new banner! ^...yep...

Meh, I'll have something more worth-while to say after July 9th, I just thought I'd get rid of my last post (it was bugging me). July 9th es muy importante. Hopefully, it'll be the date that I figure out those two important details that I mentioned in my description.

*frowny face*

Wow, I haven't written in a while...

maybe that's because I've got nothing to say...

*thinking* nope, I've got nothing.

Oh well.

Alas, boredom

So I've got to do this travel panphelt thing for my History class and we all had to randomly choose countries from the Middle East and, of course, I get Iraq. All over this travel guide I've been reading it says:

WARNING: Due to the current situation with this country, it is critically dangerous to travel there. All foreign persons, particularly foreign and domestic journalists, contractors, and other travellers are in extreme danger of kidnapping, murder, and general armed violence in Iraq. Travel is strongly discouraged. If you must go, see War zone safety

so I've got to find a way to make going to Iraq sound appealing and it's due tomorrow. Yep, I procrastinated until the very last minute yet again. I could really use any kind of last minute advice if anyone has anything. Anyway...

I hate my English teacher. First of all, he's keep questioning the intelligence of my class and he's always finding a way to put somebody down. Now he's making us read this book called "Alas, Babylon" over the Christmas break, we'll be tested on it the day we get back from holiday. Today in class he flipped out because some people were unprepared and he just bursted out "You people need to get with the program; I know you're excited about Christmas and all that other crap, but this is second marking period, you should be prepared..." I felt like getting up and yelling "scrooge!" he's so horrible to people in general, but now he's insulting Christmas?! And I don't even have avatar to make this better... :cry: ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh *sigh*

Whatever, I should start my project I'm going to be up 'till two in the morning finishing it.

AWS and Zuko haters


On another note, all of you who hate Zuko now, think about this:

When Zuko saw his uncle with the avatar, the person he'd been hunting for three years, the one who had taken several things including his honor and his home away from him, he probably felt betrayed. Then Azula came in and made Zuko an offer that was just too tempting to him. He was overwhelmed, and he probably figured that his uncle had betrayed him and that if he helped Azula not only would he get back at the avatar ( who he obviously was furious with, do you see his face with the fire blasting? He looked like he was half out of his mind) and he would be able to return home. Besides, would you have rather had happy Zuko flying around on Appa making tea and saying gee wilikers, smiling all the time? I know Zuko was suppose to be changed, but that was ridiculous, it's like they took the real Zuko and replace him with a creepy, way too happy look-a-like. Seriously, haven't you people ever heard: "No matter how far you travel down the wrong road, you can always turn back."? Zuko will realize what he did was wrong, technically, he already regreted what he did at the end. I think it may have been thrown in there to through us off guard, to make us want to see the next season more if for no other reason so that are questions will be answered, and they probably wanted to avoid the cheesy, clicheness of Zuko joining the gang.

To summarize this: Don't be mad at Zuko just because he made a mistake. He's only human, he's been through so much, give him a break! He'll turn around, have some faith in the guy.

Back to AWS: What does everyone do to keep their mind off how slow time is moving?

A Bad Omen

Okay, so all day I've been having bad luck, so right away I thought, "OMG, I hope this doesn't mean the season finale's going to suck." So I've been really worried about it, but then agian, when you've had real bad luck (trust me, it was real bad luck) aren't you suppose to get tons of good luck? I hope so...AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! I'm just so excited!

2 hours and 20 minutes until the avatar season finale! 

Season Finale Book 2

After I saw the "Zutara" season finale, I was excited, but I didn't mind waiting. Now, I absolutely can't wait. The trailer wasn't what I expected it to be and now I have no clue how Zuko, Iroh, Katara and Azula got stuck in a cave together, or if they did why they were seperated. And I want to know what that disgusting huge Aang was about! Could they make this any less clear?! I hate the writers, they just love to mess with our heads. Anyway, here's a link for the season 2 finale:

and another link for a description, just because:

7 MORE DAYS UNTIL THE AVATAR SEASON FINALE! (And then months in between of waiting. Damn you, NICK!)

Meh, I'm dropping out of the Shipping War

I'm just so sick of it. Shipping wars go no where, and it's such a pain having to fight off die-hard fans just because I don't want to see a certain two-dimensional character end up with another two-dimensional character or do want a couple to happen or whatever! Point is, shipping was suppose to be fun but now it's pure madness! I mean, I'm not gonna lie, I'm all for Kataang, but at this point if Zutara happened I could care less. It's so much easier to stay neutral in a shipping war, fictional couples are not worth this kind of trouble.

Too much time on my hands

Long weekend, so bored. I wish the God damn episodes would come out faster. Anyone have ideas on how to pass the time and procrastinate for the stupid bug project I have to do?

7 more days until the Earth King

21 more days until the Guru and The Crossroads of Destiny

Why I'm Against Zutara

Once again, boredom and frustration has inspired me to write another post,

I thought I might as well post this, since I've said it about 20 times in several different threads at this point.

Anyway, these some of the reasons why I'm against Zutara:

1. It's a pipedream relationship created by Zuko fan girls after they saw the Southern Air Temple episode.

2. Although people insist that there is symbolism that implies Zutara, all of it can be interpreted differently and unless everyone can see it before people point out it's there, I'm not buying it.

3. Zuko is my favorite character, and it would be horribly disapointing to see him swooning over Katara (Aang, Haru and Jet are plenty, LEAVE ZUKO OUT OF IT!).

4. Zutara wasn't the creators idea, it was the fan's. It's fine for fan fiction but I don't want it to happen on the show.

So, that's it in a nutshell.

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