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Alas, boredom

So I've got to do this travel panphelt thing for my History class and we all had to randomly choose countries from the Middle East and, of course, I get Iraq. All over this travel guide I've been reading it says:

WARNING: Due to the current situation with this country, it is critically dangerous to travel there. All foreign persons, particularly foreign and domestic journalists, contractors, and other travellers are in extreme danger of kidnapping, murder, and general armed violence in Iraq. Travel is strongly discouraged. If you must go, see War zone safety

so I've got to find a way to make going to Iraq sound appealing and it's due tomorrow. Yep, I procrastinated until the very last minute yet again. I could really use any kind of last minute advice if anyone has anything. Anyway...

I hate my English teacher. First of all, he's keep questioning the intelligence of my class and he's always finding a way to put somebody down. Now he's making us read this book called "Alas, Babylon" over the Christmas break, we'll be tested on it the day we get back from holiday. Today in class he flipped out because some people were unprepared and he just bursted out "You people need to get with the program; I know you're excited about Christmas and all that other crap, but this is second marking period, you should be prepared..." I felt like getting up and yelling "scrooge!" he's so horrible to people in general, but now he's insulting Christmas?! And I don't even have avatar to make this better... :cry: ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh *sigh*

Whatever, I should start my project I'm going to be up 'till two in the morning finishing it.