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Back to School: First day.

+ Wednesday, August 30, 2006 + 5:42 PM (PST) +

| Mood:
Tired  | Music: 'Figured You Out' - Nickelback |

Like, totally true. I woke up early again, of course. Yay five thirty in the morning. ._.

Lol, well, here's my schedule and some highlights: ^^

Homeroom: Pretty awkward. I have the same teacher from my 6th grade homeroom class this year too. I dunno why... o_o I was in the same class as Ginette. Too bad we don't have any other classes... only lunch. *sigh* D: Well, the schedule I had was pretty cool. At first, when I saw my second period class... I went, "What the heck is this Leadership?" Surprising that my HR teacher didn't even know... what the hell? XD So I figured out myself.. Well, when I went to 2nd period. Turns out we got different morning announcements as well; we're using TVs now instead of the intercom. And we have block schedules like in high school... oh joy. XD At least it's not five days a week like in Kel's school. >>;; But come on, the schedule was confusing when I started junior high in the 6th grade... Why do they have to make it so hard this year with block schedules? Those morons. :fup:

Honor's Algebra 8: Bleh... I had to get one of the most highest ranked classes in the school, did I? At least my algebra teacher makes it sound easy. Only bad thing is that we're gonna have homework EVERY night and a quiz every three days... GREAT. Apparently, he wants us to be treated like 12th graders or college kids. XD I can't believe a billion of my friends are there too... Hah, this is gonna be an interesting class. O__o; I just hope Mr. August isn't too hard to understand in algebra... unlike my evil accelerated math teacher last year. HE WAS EEEEEVIL. OMG. Liek wtf... @_@;

The mysterious class that I finally figured out about... whew. It turns out that I'm actually put in that class even if I signed up for a different elective. It's a lot like sutdent council. Only we get to have more fun this year; helping out with dances, making new changes to the school, etc. The only reason why StuCo sucked last year was because our advisor moved to Chicago so we had to discontinue it. He was liek, an awesome teacher toooooo. x_x Our teacher this year seems pretty nice, though. At least, I hope so. XDD And on the sidenote, Bianca hates me for having him in this class. lawl... Since Kevin went for StuCo last year too. Hah, I can't believe I actually have classes with Kevin. I didn't when I was in the 7th and 6th. ^^; Ms. Dufresne sounds liek a pretty okay teacher from what I saw today. Hah... I hope we can be more active in StuCo this year... liek totally.

Accelerated English 8: Like... I can't believe it. I have the SAME teacher from last year. Mr. Dell ain't a bad teacher, though. He's actually pretty cool... and I'm glad I have him again. And so do my other old classmates. At least I don't have the same ol' weirdos who liek to call me smart and cpy off my paper. Hah, and I wish they didn't have to shorten this class today. XD And omg... he got dreadlocks too. AGAIN. Hah.. Mr. Dell sure is gonna be interesting this year. o.o;;

World Geography 8: Yay, another class... A lot of my friends are in this one, apparently. Like Tabatha, Bianca, Kevin, Ginger, Keke, and others. Liek I said, Bianca hates me for me having Kevin in four of my classes. XD *coughshe'shadacrushonhimsincethefifthgrade* It seems like this teacher might be a little weird though. I passed by my History teacher from last year and he told me, "Watch out, Mr. Gottlieb is mean." o_o;; *scared* Hah, he gave the weirdest but most understandable lecture. Hah, he said he can catch anyone with gum. When I was in Mr. Schiff's science class last year, he caught me... but only liek three times. XD We'll just have to see about dat, Mr. G. =o

Physical Science 8: Dude.. ANOTHER guy teacher. Why is it every year, I always have teachers that are guys? X_x; Eh, he's not a bad one, though... at least, I hope so... Except he's always saying "umm" a lot. I mean, wtf? Reminds me of my evil reading teacher last year. *shudder* He made us late for sixth period because he wouldn't shut his mouth, though. I mean, he knew that we were only gonna have 15 minutes.. but whoo, yay... he went on RIIIGHT ahead and decided to talk liek blah blah blaaaaah. But on the bright side.... this was another class with a lot of my friends in it. Liek Angelica. We're both gonna sit together. ^^

Health 8: Ewww... I think I'll hate this class... Mr. A is a guy teacher. *shudder* Imagine, a GUY teaching our health class... that is so wrong!! My friends told me that he's GAY too... a gay guy teaching our class. AHHH! Help me! I didn't even want Health first. I wanted PE... o_o; Let's just hope it doesn't go through something more personal in class... liek ewww... I expected a GIRL teaching us. But.. I guess not. Then again, I'm not one to have a lesbian in a Health class liek my friend. XDDD Ahhhh guys and their health class. At least it ain't Mr. Dawson... *shudder* I thought he was a SEVENTH GRADE teacher? Then again, Mr. Dell was too... and now he's an 8th grade teacher that I'm glad to have. ^^; At least Jessica, Que, and Josselyn are gonna help me survive... we'll all try to help ourselves live for the next semester...o_o

And that's it. XD Liek... I think the 8th grade ain't gonna be too bad, though. It's kinda cool being liek the "role-models" and "leaders" of middle school.... ahhhh superiorness. XD

But I always get guy teachers every year. Why is that? O_o

Yesh... you guessed it too! I'm not gonna be on as much after the second week of September... since I'll be piled with homework (mostly algebra, gaaah) and student council stuffs. We're having our first dance on September 15th... and if we wanna make it good, then we gotta work hard on it. At least I get to get it for free. XD

Haaah... Well, sorry for my extremely long blogs. ^^;; See y'all laters!!

-- ADJL_Freakazoid