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omgwtfbbq. XD

+ Saturday, August 5, 2006 + 5:01 AM (PST) +

| Mood: Tired | Music:
'Move Along' - All American Rejects |

Beware my evil, long ranting. >:3

Yup. I'm so weird that I decided to stay up til six. It's only four, so I'll be up for another hour or two. Wheeeee me! =P

And I want ice cream again. My mom and her boyfriend dragged me to Cold Stone Creamery. There was one like five blocks away... but they all still didn't wanna walk. Damn... I so wanted to. XD

Haah, well... I did the same, boring nothingness... Sleep, eat, computer, tv... stuff. Fweee. Yay for boringness. Kel and I did the weirdest, funnest RP today, though. Hahahaa... if only he would've stayed up longer. And the voice message he left me when I was upset really made me cry... he really does care a lot. D: I wish I was in California. I want to go to the beach dammit. BEEAACH. *runs around like crazy* I must... feel... sand in my feet! *hallucinating*

Meh, at least my days of sleeping on the floor are FINALLY over. My aunt left today and stuff. She gave me fifty bucks! Squee! *dances* My rellies always do that when they have to leave after coming over; gimme money. My other aunt (who left Saturday) gave me forty... haha. I'm so going to the mall soon. XD

Well, that's all I have to ramble about. Yay for it being five in the morning!

-- ADJL_Freakazoid