*alezza Blog
Oh,man! I love those questionnaries ^_^
by *alezza on Comments
Let's do this:
1. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?Was it good? Children of Men, was nice.
2. Do you have a journal/diary? Nop.
3. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?One with brownies in it.
4. What's the most recent vacation you've been on? When? Last summer,went to...France,west.
5. What's the next vacation you're going on?Dunno
6. If you had to lose 1 of your senses, what would it be?Touch
7. Your favorite college team for sports?None
8. Favorite song?Got lots of them, a Behemoth one maybe
9. Who do you think has the worst voice (professional singer)? Paris Hilton is a good one ^_^
10. If you had to describe yourself in 1 word, how? Me
11. What time did you go to bed last night?1.30am
12. Your favorite sport? Boxe
13. Your favorite store to shop at? "FNAC"
14. Do you like your first name, why, and what would you change it to? Yes,I guess it's ok.
15. What is the most rebellious thing you would do?I'm not gonna say because I don't wanna go to jail ^_^.
16. What is your dream look? Dirty
17. Favorite type of music? Dark/Black/Death/Heavy Metal, in fact everything with metal at the end.
18. What kind of humor do you like?I don't know how to say it but I think it's no far from Miss_Box's "Black Comedy"(for example, Dexter makes me laugh)
19. What would make you like a person, and not in a friend way? Dunno
20. What would that person look like? Does it matter?
21. Favorite book? David Gemmel's "Legend"
22. First novel you ever seriously read?I can we remember that???
23. Favorite quote? 'When I hear the word culture,I reach my gun.' ^_^
24. Dream career?One with LOTS of money.
25. What is your dream wedding? To young to think about that .
26. First friend you ever gained?I ain't paid no one to be my friend yet ^_^.That question sucks.
27. First friend you ever lost?Can't remember.
28. Best friend you ever lost?None for now.
29. All of your REALLY good friends? What?o_O
30. All of your friends to aquaintences? What does aquaintences mean?
31. What song quote best describes you? Never thought about that.
32. Most unique thing about you? My friends say that I'm really crazy(does it mean unique?)
33. Where would you like to live? California,US
34. What is your favorite kind of popcorn: Sugared one
35. Who did you get this from: Miss_Box :p
New Emblem!
by *alezza on Comments
Normally I should win a level but the updating system is lazzy ^_^.
Doh!Tomorrow, holidays are over snif :'(
Drinving Licence
by *alezza on Comments
I just wanna know what you have to do to get it?how many lessons?...
Hell, that was a party!
by *alezza on Comments
Yesterday was awesome.It started weird,but it really ended good.In the beginning we(me and my best friend) go drinking in a bar with friends but before why both wanted to see a old friend (one year since last we saw him) and finally he invited (we had to kick him) us to his own party and it's so great.
And no hangover (it's 3.00pm and I stil can not walk really straight ^_^) because...well...you know...I kind of threw up -_-' , but wasn't the first nor the last :p.
by *alezza on Comments
There's a thing I don't understand: why does my level staying where he is?I've got at least 10submissions accepted the two last days and my level doesn't moove is this normal?
One more
by *alezza on Comments
When you want to become a person editor you must have 40 point on this person and ask to be the editor but to whom?
Feel better
by *alezza on Comments
I kept going with my "to watch list" and saw "House of 1000 corpses" and "The Devil's Rejects" the two films of Rob Zombie,had a great time.
Yessss!!!New emblem(quite ugly but who cares ^_^).
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