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*all_kill_ari Blog

I Have A New Website

It's crap but a little self-promotion never hurt right? or you could go to my old one,

GAbby song!

"Problem Girl" by Rob Thomas. All together now... aaaaw. Has anyone else ever had something as stupid as this happen to them: I was at my friends house. We were sitting out on the back patio. I have very sensitive skin, and it's quite pale. The sun started to come underneath the roof, but only on one side. I GOT SUNBURNT ON ONE PATCH OF ONE ARM! UNLESS IT'S HAPPENED TO YOU, YOU CAN ONLY IMAGINE HOW RIDICULOUS IT LOOKS! Also, we are getting two new puppies! Yay! One will be my sister's, and his name will be Pepsi. Mine is a girl and her name will be Sophie( our other dog's name is Abby. I wanted to call the new one (mine) Ziva, to go with her, but no. Mum said I wasn't allowed :( ). They are black border-collie cross labrador. I call them 'boradors'. They are soo cute and we get them next weekend. :roll: -Em

I am very very sorry.

:( I just wanted to say I'm very sorry to everyone I annoyed by posting on their boards. Meaghan and I will keep it to the newly (and geniously) created postathon board. Thanks NCIS_obsessed! Sorry guys. :( Feel free to clog up my boards with crap if you wish. -Em


My God I hate that song. I am a little bit upset because Kate sings it. *shudders*. ... This is a message for Meaghan: leave Bleach Boy (spike) alone. "You're people are the ones who were lucky today." "Why?" "Because my people? They shoot to kill" Ha.