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I. Am. Going. To. Cringe. To. Death.

Apparently, as most of you already know, there will in addition to camp suck, be a new series quite similar to the plotlines of HM...and, slightly ADJL. J.O.N.A.S. I read the summary for it, and can only hope that was some sick joke, because it said that it's about the Jo Bros secret life of fighting an evil dentist. 1. WHERE have we first seen an evil dentist? Does Legend of Dragon tooth come to mind? 2. WHAT KIND OF DISNEY'N SON OF A DISNEY IS STUPID ENOUGH TO THINK THAT'S A GOOD IDEA FOR AN ENTIRE SHOW'S PLOTLINE! What's worse? Kevin Jonas is saying that this plotline is much more "mature than most other Disney Channel shows". The only thing I can applaud about that statement is, he's smart enough to recognize that most DC shows don't know the meaning of the word mature. I'm not saying the shows should have constant death, violence, and porn. I am saying that an occasional character death, major injury, or a big romance scene isn't a bad idea. But no, what do I know. I'm just a Disney'n teenager. Also, some new series called "The middle man" aired not long ago on ABC family. Never thought that something other than a DC series could make me tired from cringing so much. From what I know of it, it is a very, very, VERY bad rip off of Kim Possible. Sueing time!