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Let's stop running and hiding...

Alright, we've been fighting to save ADJL for over a year now. How much progress have we made? In all honesty, very little. Ever wondered why? Maybe it's because we're sitting here, just waiting for a Save Jake Day to be scheduled. I'm all for an organization, but when the dude who's runnin' this stuff hasn't been doing anything lately, I say it's time to take action. Let's take it upon ourselves, and not wait for a SJD to email the media, Disney executives, start your own petition, make ADJL videos, fanfics, or other things that will promote Amdrag, since Disney won't. Maybe we should even agree on a time to have a SJD ourselves. Remember "The Hunted"? How Jake and the magical creatures didn't get anywhere by waiting for the Huntsclan to come to them, waiting for something to happen, then taking action. The way they won the battle was by taking the fight to them. And that's what we have to do if we ever want American Dragon: Jake Long to see a season three.

Let's stop running and hiding.