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I always told myself that I would not like fanfics because they would confuse me too much with what is really happening in the show but I guess I was wrong seeing how I just spent the past 12 hours reading them. I had finally caved to reading only not even three days ago and now i'm hooked.

I woke up at 11:30 pm and had nothing to do so I went and starting reading and I couldn't stop they were all so good and know it is 12 noon and I still feel like reading more. I think I might have a problem.... but it's a good one so who cares?

My summer is very boring if you can't figure it out by the fact that I can spend so long reading fanfics. no school, no job, friends on vacation in Europe or Asia. I'm the only one in my group of frineds that has not or will not be doing any traveling this's so sad so I spend my time watching bones reading fanfics and doing very mundane things

Hope everyone's summers are better than mine
