What you Basically Shouldn't on Forums
by *anni_l8 on Comments
Because I'm bored I'm going to post this to warn people of what you shouldn't do on forums. Since I've made some of these mistakes I wan't you people to know you shouldn't make them 1) Huge avatars and signatures are not cool. They disrupt reading and the board tables. A good size would be the size of my signature, a tiny bit bigger is good, a signature more than 2 times the size of mine is bad. 2) Choose a name and stick with it. If you keep changing your name you'll annoy the admins of the board. That is not a good thing. Also people won't know who the hell their talking to anymore. I know I've lost track of some people because they are either inconsistent in their names or constantly change them. 3) Spell correctly. If you have mispelled you should try to go back and correct your mistake. Not only will people understand what your saying but it'll make an impression that your really smart. Hell, once I told somebody to use periods and capitalize their message and they asked if I was their English teacher. You shouldn't substitute the words "you and are" with "U and R" and don't use "leet" all the time, it's uncool and people will think your a noob. Heres an example of what bad spelling and grammar is: who t3h h3k r u. Now what's your firs impression of this person? 4) Do not spam. Spam stands for - Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. Advertising your site is spam. Saying one word answers is spam. Replying to yourself is spam. Testing your signature is spam. Reviving old, dead topics is spam. All of those things listed is spam. Avoid doing those things. People lose patience with it very quickly. 5) Stay on topic. If the topic is abou clothing, you should not go to far away from it. For example if the topic is about clothing don't start saying something about reptiles to throw the topic off. 6) Listen to criticisms. Especially if you are new to the net. People are telling you what your doing wrong. No one is trying to make fun of you, but they may if you keep doing the same mistakes. 7) Administrators and moderators are in charge. Listen to them. If they close a thread or tell you to do something, then you ought to listen to them. 8) If you're banned from a forum, learn from your mistakes. Often, admins will tell you what you did wrong. If they are REALLY generous, then they'll unban you. However, it is important to move on. Nagging admins won't make them wanna unban you. If anything, they'll get really annoyed at you and will want to cut off contact with you. If you wish to be unbanned from a forum you were banned at, try learning from your mistakes (whatever they are) and demonstrating that you have learned at a new forum. 9) Don't start fights. If you don't like someone, fine, but don't talk about it all the time. Nobody wants to hear negativity 24-7.