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*anti4kids2000 Blog

One Piece Viz Manga

I always thought the english manga was screwed up like the anime(4kids era).But I checked out the manga and it was great.Luffy saids Pistol,Bazooka and Gatling Gun.They kept in Helmempos gun.They kept in Kuina and Bellemeres death.They also kept Little Garden arc and Laboon arc.When I read the name changes suchs as Zolo and Merry Go I just pretend its Zoro and Going Merry.The only thing I wish Viz does is catch up with the anime and not release 4 volumes each year and release 4 volumes for each four monthes like Naruto and Bleach.

One Piece FUNimation

The new dub was awesome.They kept the original BGM and translated the 3rd opening and 9th ending.They picked out great voice actors.Sanji no longer has a lollipop.Collean makes Gum Gum sound really awesome with her Luffy voice.I just can`t wait till we see the real english American(not Signapore) dub when Viz drops the rights to 1-143.Viz did a good job with the Manga dispies the fact they used Zolo and Merry Go.Although I just pretend Viz kept it the original names.Dispies the Dragonball GT dub the One Piece Dub was awesome.