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*avatarluvr Blog

The Curtain Closes....

Well, Avatar is officially over, and I can't believe it. I remember the first night it premiered. Now that its over, it's kind of like watching a child of yours grow up and leave home. (except there aren't so many tears) Can I just say that the very last episode was AMAZING!!!!!! It took about five minutes for me to remember that I could move after it finished. Look for my reviews in the Avatar section. Anyway... all great, amazing, and fantastic things have to come to an end eventually. At least the curtain closed with a standing ovation.

We'll miss you Avatar!!!!!

Hello Again!

Okay, just to let you all know, I HAVE NOT fallen off of the face of the Earth, I've just been EXTREMELY busy! The only thing that's new is that I beat the frusturating level in Twilight Princess. YAY!!! Leave me a comment or something!


I'm at this really impossible part of Twilight Princess that I just can't seem to beat!!!!!! IT'S SO FRUSTURATING!!!!!!!!!!!:evil: whew. anyhoo..

there's an anime convention that I plant to go to in about a week, and I don't have anything to wear. Now, I'd love to cosplay if I had enough talent to make my own costume or enough money to buy one, but alas, I don't. Oh well! I'll just wear something normal and earn enough money to buy something really cool while I'm there.

Hope your life isn't as frusturating as mine!!!!


wow... I haven't been on here in, like, forever. Here's What's New, (not much)

~I got the Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess game for my Wii. I think it's really fun, so it's too bad that I really suck at playing videogames.

~everybody knows this, but Naruto is currently showing crappy, useless fillers, so I haven't bothered watching that show in about four weeks. (help me I'm dying here!):cry:

~I am currently on Spring Break because my school's schedule is out of whack, so I have an entire week of absolutely NOTHING to do. except download countless new songs and videos onto my Zune.

~I started reading Ranma 1/2(I think it is HILARIOUS!!) and the final volume of InuYasha is coming out this month. YAY!! (in a bittersweet kinda' way)

anyway, that's about it. enlighten me with comments por favor. Gracias!

school's starting again...

School's starting again.So are tests, homework, studying, strict teachers, stress, etc. I can't wait for summer. Our school is doing something new this year called focus week, where all we do is go on field trips all week. I call it out of focus week. At least we don't have any homework. YAY!!!!!! Last night's Naruto episodes were awesome!!! Not as awesome as next week is going to be, though. Next week there'll be more fighting!!! YES!!!!! The new avatar episodes aught to start up again soon. I can't wait to see what happens to Zuko!!

Christmas Break! Alleluia!!!

ALLELUIA!!!!! CHRISTMAS BREAK IS FINALLY HERE!! Finally, no more exams!!! Just presents, family, relaxation, Chrismas Cheer, and most importantly....... lots and lots of food!!!!:P

Merry Christmas!!

I don't know who Sarah is, but I like this picture!!

Have to have a Naruto picture!!!


I like these pictures, so I though I'd share 'em. I have nothing better to do.

:D L8tah!!!

Day of Black Sun!!!!!!!!

OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Avatar's Day of Black Sun is on in thirty minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am bouncing of the walls I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was AMAZING!!!!!!!! best Avatar episode EVA!!!!!!


Wow, I have just successfully completed THE most stressful week of my schoolyear so far. I had, three big projects to worry about and a huge essay test, not to mention the abnormally large amount of homework assigned in EVERY class. Now I can least for the next two days.

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