*balanced936 Blog
Another new one
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by *balanced936 on Comments
Another new icon-but much nicer than the first. The tutorial can be found here (sorry to flood my blogs, but I have to make sure I give credit where it's due): http://community.livejournal.com/revolutionkid/405.html
Just had to pop in one last time before I hit the sack. While I was playing around, I also made this banner. I know it isn't good, but I'm working on improving. This is just my way of keeping track of it all.
I made it myself.
by *balanced936 on Comments
Not Well
by *balanced936 on Comments
This isn't going well. I figured out how to change the coloring on a base, but I can't seem to add text, and I can't even figure out how to post the picture directly in my blog. But here's the link, in case you were interested in viewing my progress:
To Learn
by *balanced936 on Comments
So, I'd really like to learn to make my own icons. If there is someone out there that doesn't mind teaching a girl that has no experience in this area, please just drop me a note.
Should I Worry?
by *balanced936 on Comments
You scored as Meredith Grey, You want the perfect life, it drives you crazy when it isn't. Even your closest friends don't know everything about you. You try to handle things on your own, in your own way. You really want acceptance from others. You want to be really good at what you do.
Meredith Grey
100%Derek Sheherd
75%George O'Malley
75%Izzie Stevens
75%Miranda Bailey
75%Alex Karev
75%Preston Burke
63%Cristina Yang
38%Grey's Anatomy, Which Character Are You?
created with QuizFarm.com
Best. Day. Ever!
by *balanced936 on Comments
I GOT IN!!!!! Oh, man. This makes me so happy. I'm practically dancing with happiness. I can't remember the last time I've been so excited. I start August 20th, so there's a lot to be done. I can barely believe it.
House finale today. Talk about reasons to jump for joy.
by *balanced936 on Comments
Well, I write a bit of House/Wilson friendship fics, and joined the livejournal community to have another place to post them. Only now I'my just really confused. I don't get that place. It's a bit complicated, but I'm pressing onward, because I love my livejournal layout. You can see it here, if you're curious: http://balanced-01.livejournal.com/
In any case, I'm really looking forward to Tuesday. If the school gives me credit for my math classes I took at another college, I'm going to be able to attend Cardiovasuclar Technology school in the fall. I will get to wear scrubs! (Yes, I'm excited about this.)
by *balanced936 on Comments
Well, I guess I'm frustrated. I'm not the biggest fan of Foreman in the world by far but he seems to have a really bad rap around here. And because I'm the way I am, if everyone is picking on someone, even if I don't like that person-or character-I have to defend them. That's the way I'm wired.
So, I'm not sure why, but there seems to be some confusion as to why Foreman thinks he's anything like House. Well, let me spell it out for people.
It started because of Cameron. He didn't think he was anything like the guy until she pointed out both of their affinities for wearing sneakers and jeans to work. Then all of a sudden it occured to me that maybe the wrtiers were showing similiarites for a reason. I.E., so that Foreman would feel the need to resign. House said it best himself, "I'm just amused that you think I should be less stubborn that you." or something.
So, along with the "dress down from the waist down" approach:
These two guys are the most passionate characters on the show. Let's start with House. He and Stacy broke up five years before the first episode. Five years. And in all that time, he did not have one serious relationship. Then, when he sees Stacy again, he works proactively to convice her to want him again. Nevermind the fact that she's married-the moment she says she does, sex follows. When House loves, he loves. Take a look at his friendship with Wilson. Even though I don't think he's the best friend he could be to the guy, there's no denying he cares about him. He drugged him when he thought he thought he was lying to him!
Then there's Foreman. True, we haven't seen any evidence of a solid romantic relationship, but take a look at his relationship with his parents. Foreman hasn't gone to see his mother in 8 years because he can't bare to face what she's become. When his father came to see him in Euphoria, he lied about how much pain he'd be in, to protect his father. Then there's Cameron. He doesn't play games-he tells her flat out in the seond season that they are collegues and nothing more. But by the end of Euphoria he asks for her forgiveness and grants her the medical proxy. Then, even though her decision gave him (mild) brain confusion, he gave her perfect forgiveness. Foreman strikes me as the kind of guy that doesn't given devotion easily, but when he does, that's it. Reminds me of another character I know...
Foreman, like House, doesn't sit well with being wrong, but because he's not House, he isn't right all the time. Arrogance is arrogance, whether or not you have the right to be that way. Foreman got chosen by the top diagnostician in the country over, presumeably, hundreds of other applicants, so he's obviously the best at what he does. House is the best at what he does. When cancer is a concern, they call Wilson. They don't just assume that because House is "mad smart" that he knows everything about everything. The show is about diagonstics. If it were about neurology, Foreman might be right more than House. And let's not forget that House has 10 years of experience on the guy.
They both have unique talents for annoying patients and their families, but they can also both be charming, insightful, witty and funny. For example:
Foreman: Oh, Cameron, I need you for a couple of hours.
Cameron: What's up?
Foreman: When you break into someone's house, it's always better to have a white chick with you.
Cameron: Black defendants are 10 times more likely to get the death sentence than whites.
Foreman: Doesn't mean we need to get rid of the death penalty. Just means we need to kill more white people.
Foreman: My exes have usually been black, so what? It's not a racial thing, it's cultural. I have more in common with them, like I assume you only date emotionally stunted bigots.
Wilson: That smugness of yours is really an attractive quality.
House: Thank you. It was either that or get my hair highlights. Smugness is easier to maintain.
House: I've been a doctor for years. Why do I have to keep assuring people that I know what I'm doing?
Wilson: I'm not going to date a patient's daughter.
House: Very ethical. Of course, most married men would say they don't date at all.
Anyway, that's all I have for tonight. I'm tired.
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