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I made it to another year.

I just had the best 17th year of my life. ^.^ First, I got this nifty video ipod and rechargable batteries from dad. ^.^ yay for like 30GBs of musical and anime interests! Then, mom took me out to this lovely resturant, Mt. Fuji. ^.^ and authentic Japanese Steak house. Oh my god it was awsome! I'll be uploading pictures soon. I promise. anyways. At Mt. Fuji, we all ordered off the Habachi specials. it was the best food ever! I had the Habachi shrimp and Scallops. (it was sooo much food.) For an appitizer like deal, we were handed some japanese onion soup (deffently not like the french-ish version we find in restuarants today...) Mom ordered some Sake for her and I. ^.^ yay .... it was my first time drinking Sake, but it was the best achoholic substance I have ever had the experience of drinking!! I had like 4 cups of it myself, not enough to get drunk, but enough of a buzz. (the after effects I'm pushing away right now. lol. ) I tell you what, the ginger sauce they use for shrimp is awsome! ^.^ After we all had dinner ( at the table there were eight of us, four of which were completely unknown, but were very nice.) the guys came over and sang happy bithday and did the whole good luck thing with the Bozai! ^.^ it was cool yet completely embarrassing. Nothing like celebrating a birthday in a foreign tradiction, ^.^ It was sooo cool. After the whole Bonzai thing was over, we hung at out around the japanese garden they bult. IOf course I took pictures. I tried to get the koi fish, but couldn't get close enough and it was waaay to dark for my camera. But i tell you all what, the place is deffently recamendab;e if your ever in the Jersey-Newyork area. Anways, after we got home from mt. fuji, we had our little cake celbration. ^.^ and wholly crap i thought i was going to die! my mother gave me tickets to Evanescence's second concert!!!!!!!!! :D :o I seriously think I'm going to die... lol... its so freaking awsome. I can't wait!!! She and I are in the Moshpit!!!! ^.^ hell ya, Gunna rock the crap out! I'll be trying to get pictures, depending on the security people.... But the concert is 10/9.... and i'm counting down. lol... She also got me two sentimental presents, one with a coin that has my birth year on it and the other was one of those mother to daugter presents from hawmark. ^.^ its cute. But I loved todays despite the couple downfalls it had...... ( I know I deffently failed my oral presentation/reading.... -.-;; and that my good friend admitted herself to a pychatric wing in a connecut hospital... but those are for another time,)

Anways, until later! Ja-ne! :)