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Random Thoughts about TV and not....

so, obviously, i don't have a lot of time to blog... but rather than working tomorrow, i only need to go to the red cross for a cpr class..and to the hospital, so i am splurging and staying up late... i've had a lot on my plate lately..i am saving to go on a two week road trip to florida and elsewhere on christmas break, so i have been working a, i've had a bit of a tragedy in my world. as some of you know, i teach kindergarten, and a girl in my class, Joplin, was hit by a car this past weekend. she experienced damage to her liver and spleen, which should heal just fine..and her legs, which, with the help of screws and such should also heal...the part we are all worried about is the damage to her brain... her scalp was pushed back on her head, if that gives you any indication to the massive impact her head experienced...right now, 6 days later, she has just opened her eyes, and she hasn't spoken at all... anyway, i don't mean to be a downer, but if you're the praying type, please send some prayers joplin's way...and if you aren't, maybe you can send some healing thoughts anyway...thank you. on a lighter note, i can't believe how nicely the survivor game has gone so far... i've been afraid that the other players don't think i am serious about the game due to infrequent and slow posting, but as i said..i'm a busy person. my low scores on the challenges are embarassing, but i haven't seen any of these seasons since they originally aired.. no reruns, no dvds, no nothing...and i haven't done any prior studying or cheating, i haven't remembered a lot of details.. ay, there's the rub.. so..fall tv is starting, though i am afraid i am already missing things..i have the first episode of reunion and the first four (i think?) epsiodes of prison break waiting for me to watch them... maybe i can make some time for that sunday.. admist football and nascar and golfing and stuff.. the premiere of House and Survivor were both incredible, this week, and i am REALLY anxious for Lost to premiere...and the amazing race... those are my favorite shows...with a little stewie thrown in, of course.. i tried out "bones," (mainly because it was on before house) and although i liked the premise and the characters (esp. "bones")(i used to want to be an anthropologist, so i could relate a little bit), i found that i wasn't really interested in seeing the end of the "mystery" well, this is a really long blog post..i suppose normal people would have made this into several posts, but no one could accuse me of being normal...