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*chosenchic Blog

Venturing into the Twilight World

Hola fellow tv.comers

Wow it's been ages since I last updated this thing and I didn't even get to do my summer project (although for the record, The OC still reigns supreme in my mind). Anyway I'm writing this because I recently got into an argument with one of my best friends over Twilight. She's a huge "Twihard" whereas I wished I lived in a world where it didn't exist. According to her though, I shouldn't insult the books since I've never read them and even though I've never vowed to ever read anything written by Stephanie Meyer, my need to be right has propelled this little journey thus I'm going to blog about it.

So as it stands, I've already read the first chapter of Twilight and here are some random thoughts (if you haven't read the first chapter, prepare for some mild spoilers):

-Bella fancies herself a martyr, doesn't she:roll:

-And she calls her dad Charlie behind his back. Heh

-Okay people are actually trying to be nice to her and she doesn't bother to learn their names? B*tch

-Ooh first sighting of the Cullen family. I don't know about y'all but extreme paleness is very off-putting to me:|

-Contrary to popular belief, Edward does not sound that hot. Plus he seems like a bit of dick

-Awww poor Bella. EVERYONE is nice to her and she doesn't like it and now Edward ignores her and she doesn't like it. What. The. F*ck:|

-This chapter was really hard to get through. So effing boring and Bella already annoys me

-Overall, not the best way to start the book but I'm curious as to see why Edward is so against Bella considering they haven't talked (note: I already know from reading summaries and crap but I'm trying to be open-minded)

So I don't know when I'll blog about the second chapter since I have exams coming up so whether you're a Twilight fan or not, let me know what you think and maybe I might actually begin to like this thing (read: no chance in hell)



New Summer Project and Other Stuff

Hello fellow tv.comers and welcome to my (7th?) blog. Well there are quite a few things I would like to say but I'm going to try to keep this short and snappy.

First off, BRUCAS THREAD IS BACK!!! Thank God because talking in the Off Topic thread was too hectic plus there are only certain things I can talk to BLers about that LPers wouldn't get and vice versa. Speaking of which, it was nice to see LPers and BLers getting along and I found some new GG fans to discuss the new episodes with:)

OTH is coming back this Monday y'all:) Whoooo lol. But even better, GG is coming back next Monday yay!!!!! I'm so excited because I'm done with cla$$es and I only have two exams to study for so now I can fully focus on my shows without worrying about school too much.

Now onto the main focus of this entry. As I mentioned just now, I'm more or less officially done my first year of university. Wasn't all that it was cracked up to be but I have high hopes for second year. Anyways since I'm going to have four months off just working (hopefully -- need to get a job!) and writing (plan on finishing the sequel to my first story), I decided to do an O.C. and OTH rewind. I've kind of already started this (on the 8th episode of O.C. and 4th of OTH) but Nicki had this great idea where the forum as a whole could do an OTH rewind to pass the time between 5th and 6th seasons. Then I thought to myself, why not do an O.C. versus OTH match up and rewatch all the seasons of both shows. So that's what I'm doing and to include other OTH and O.C. fans, I've decided to blog about it and hopefully you guys would share your own perspective and it will be lots of fun lol.

So yeah I think that's all I have to say for now. Expect the first installment of this O.C. versus OTH thing sometime this week where I talk about the pilots. Just for the record, I've just watched both of them a couple of weeks ago and I'm really loving O.C. more but I might change my mind when I rewatch yet again.

Okay this blog went on longer than expected so I'll shut up now lol. So until next time



Pandemonium on the OTH boards

Okay this is a really on the fly blog post hence why I'm not using my colours and stuff -- I'm not in a rainbow colour, sunshine and daisies mood right now.

The OTH forums as of late have been spinning out of control. First we have segregation in the form of LP vs. BL thread resulting in some not so nice exchanges and the suspension of one of our beloved Brucas fans (miss you Jaimster!)

And then we get a new editor who hasn't even posted all that much in general, much less on the OTH forum and this trick decides to go and not only unpin all the couples threads but LOCK them up too. Um excuse me but WTF?! How you gonna do that without warning us at the very least? What kind of ridiculous bullsh*t is this?

Honestly, the only good thing that has come out of this bull is that LP and BL fans are united for once. It's actually kind of cool but I still want the BL thread back:evil: and the second that thread gets deleted, sh!t will hit the fan.

Sorry for the angry blog but I'm riled up right now


Brucas thread, being on level 8 forever and other stuff

Hello peoples, I will try to keep this short because my sister keeps calling me:roll:.

Anyways congrats to the Brucas Lovers Society for making it past 10 000 posts and as of now, we're at 12 000 posts+ so that's really good. Love all you blitches and remember to keep posting. Party was awesome and me and Tara letting out our hidden L/P love was funny as hell (even if Pipa hated it). Sorry Pipa btw and I will try to keep my L/P love under wraps from now on:)

I have been on level 8 for the past three weeks now -- I wanna level up:(

Um nothing much else to say. I guess I'll write a more detailed blog with the return of GG (YAY!) and OTH (meh lol). So until then

Ciao peeps,


Moving, Perms and OTH

Hey peoples. I'm taking a break from packing to write this plus I'm fixing my iTunes library (so much work!).

Anyways as I have told most of you (read: Brucas family:)), I'm moving. I don't really mind it but packing is such a chore. We've only done kitchen stuff and I already feel drained. Packing up my room is going to be so sad but I guess that's life.

Random fact for the day: I got my hair permed last week. I went to a different hairstylist than I usually do and although I'm still iffy about her methods (she flipped the ends of my hair in and I hate doing that:evil: ), my hair turned out pretty good although it looks shorter than it really is. I would post a picture but this profile is public so yeah lol.

One Tree Hill's hundredth episode and the last until it returns in April was... okay. When I first saw it, I thought it was pretty good but then looking back on it and rewatching it, it wasn't as great as I first thought it was. The writers relied too much on dream sequences and flashbacks and everything just feels so old and recycled, especially with things concerning Leyton. If you have to show the same one or two scenes over and over again to show how great their love is... then its not really that great, is it? I would delve into more detail but I pretty much talked about it in the Brucas thread plus I have to go pack some more (Boo!)

So until next time peeps,

Dani out8)

Degrassi 712 Live To Tell

Hello peoples. I have 2 hours to kill before my sociology lecture (God bless university life lol) so I'm gonna write a blog. Because it's fun. So yeah onto it then.

So Degrassi 712 (Live To Tell) was interesting. I thought the episode as a whole was pretty humourous as in "ha ha" humourous and "ohmigod-what-a trainwreck-this-is-so-depressing-so-I-can-either-laugh-or-cry" humorous. Let me break it down A plot/B plot ****(that just sounded so whack lol).

A plot: Darcy, Darcy, Darcy. Her continued downward spiral is just depressing but I think there's something wrong with me because as creepy and unsettling as her crush on Mr. Simpson was, I couldn't help but laugh. That picture she drew and the expression on her face when she showed it to Snake: priceless. And Johnny DiMarco is effing hilarious.

-Oh and Cassie Steele's acting was off -- she seemed so bored delivering her lines. Maybe she hates the whole angle she has this season (supportive friend/going out with a bad boy to piss of daddy).

B plot: Okay now before I talk about this pathetic excuse for a plot and the degradation of Jimmy's character, can I just say that I tried my effing hardest to be a JimAsh fan? I mean I always thought they were okay together even though Ashley always seemed so bored or fed up with him (she was gonna break up with him on his birthday for crying out loud!). When they reunited, I thought "okay so no Crash. That's fine -- I can ship hop if I have to". The previews for the sixth season of Degrassi really had me interested with the whole "you never forget your first love... especially when that love comes back" thing. I thought JimAsh was gonna be featured a lot in season 6 (I love Ashley so I will take her anyway I can get) but of course that was the season of Semma (another blog altogether).

-Fast forward to season 7. It's Tricky comes on and Ashley basically betrays Jimmy's trust. Was it enough for them to break up? That's debatable but I thought maybe they could work through their issues. So the next plot JimAsh get is the subplot in We Got The Beat. They were still together albeit not really talking so I thought "hey, maybe they really will get through this".

-So imagine my surprise when Live To Tell comes on and not only is there a rehash of season 5 events (Degrassi fans know what I'm talking about) but the break up was probably one of the most disappointing events of the season and this is coming from someone who prefers Crash MUCH more than JimAsh. I'm not saying I'm sad they broke up because I'm not however the reason for the break up was stupid, contrived and frankly made Jimmy look really immature and bad (which is sad because I always thought Jimmy was one of the more mature characters on the show).

So overall, good A plot, terrible B plot and to all the JimAsh fans: I feel really bad for you guys because if I shipped their couple, I would have been pissed as hell.

There had better be a Crash reunion:x

Top Ten: Why I hate snow

Hello peoples. I wasn't going to write another blog entry for awhile but seeing as how my bus never came due to stupid snow (more on that later), I have an hour and a half to spare so yeah.

First off, it's been a little over a month since I joined the forums and I already have 786 posts and I'm on level 7 so yay to me:P. Also, I've met (well not really "met" but you know what I mean) a couple of people and it's cool to have a nice little community online. So all of you guys know who you are but thanks for making a lot more welcoming:)

Ah the snow. What can I say about the snow except that I hate it with a passion. Now before you start yelling at me and pointng out why snow is so great, I have a top ten list (in no particular order) of why I hate snow and maybe you'll be able to understand so here it is:

1) It's cold:(. And I HATE cold weather and cold stuff with a passion (unless I'm eating or drinking something cold than I let that slide).

2) It's messy. Sure it looks all pretty when you're not actually in it but after the snow plowers start shoving it around, the whole place is a mess.

3) It's hard to walk in. Try walking around the largest university campus in Canada in 5 cm of snow and see how great it is then:roll:

4) It effs up transportation. Since I'm a commuter student (I live at home instead of on my campus), I have to depend on GO transit and subway to get to school and since the snow delays or even cancels GO buses and trains, it forces me to stay home which sounds nice and theory but handicaps me in ****seriously which leads to...

5) School is still open regardless. It is very rare for a university to shut down due to snow so unless we get 15 plus cm, it won't happen. So if I can't make it to school due to no transportation, I'm screwed because lecture still goes on and I end up being behind and missing key points that may show up on an exam.:|

6) Frostbite. If you stand out in the snow for longer than 10 minutes, you will get a minor case of frostbite. Now add over an hour to that and that's my morning for you:(

7) Slush. The crap that comes after the snow starts to melt away. It's brown, thick and absolutely disgusting. Plus it ruins my pants:(

8) It blinds you. Ever try walking through a snow storm and the snow was blowing in your face? Not fun and my eyes still hurt:(

9) Shoveling. I am 18 years old but already I have chronic back pain. Why? Becuase every time it snows, guess who has to shovel the driveway? Exactly.

10) Canada gets too many snow storms. When all is said and done, snow is okay occasionally as in once or twice a month but it seems like ever since the beginning of December, it's been one snow storm after another so I'm raising my middle finger to Mother Nature, Global Warming an Al Gore. If global warming is occuring, can it actually warm the place up?

So there's my little rant. I'm thinking of doing a top 10 for why OTH 510 was my favourite episode this season a little later today. So until then

Dani out;)8)

A Late Introduction of Me

Hello everyone (or whoever is reading this for whatever reason) and welcome to my blog. I probably (read: hardly) won't write as much (too many other things to focus on) but I figured I should have some kind of introduction because I noticed that people actually do look at my profile and it must be a bit boring to see nothing at all:|.

So me. Uh I guess I'll start with the vital stats. My name is Danielle A (not putting my last name because this is the internet lol), I'm 18 and a half (yes I'm putting the half because I feel like it:P) and I live in Canada, specifically Ontario (and that's about as specific as I'm going to get).

My hobbies include reading, writing (stories -- original fiction not fan), hanging out with my friends and watching T.V. (the reason I'm on these forums lol).

Speaking of T.V., my favourite shows that are still on the air include One Tree Hill. The Boondocks, Gossip Girl, Degrassi: The Next Generation, Zoey 101 (on occasion lol), Days Of Our Lives and some other shows I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting. I loved Veronica Mars (I watched all three seasons after it got cancelled online) and The O.C. but I'm planning on getting the DVDs (if they ever get cheaper haha) in the near future.

Okay my ships. Now originally, I hated the idea of shipping couples because I thought it was incredibly stupid until I realized I had been doing it since I was 10 years old. My first ever "ship" (and still continues to be my number two ship of all time) is Philip and Chloe from Days Of Our Lives or "Phloe". I LOVE this couple with a passion and even though they aren't together now (for those who follow the show), I know they'll be together in the end (hopefully).

My number one ship of all time is Crash from Degrassi. I don't know what it is about these two but I love them together. Craig may be an ass at times but him and Ashley have such an amazing relationship and up until Ashley left him for that stupid Ali guy, she was a really terrific character when she was with Craig. Open, comforting, trusting. I miss them so much but hopefully I can get some kind of revival (I heard Craig's coming back for an episode this season).

My number three, and perhaps last biggest ship is of course the wonderful Brucas. I can't really describe why I love this couple so much but whenever their on screen together, I just can't help but smile. Their chemistry is beyond amazing and even though their not together now (screw you Mark and your obsession over Leyton), I will always love them most.

I have some other ships too like Ryan and Taylor and Seth and Summer from The O.C., Veronica and Logan/Veronica and Duncan from VM and ****c Shelle (before the recasts) from DOOL. I like them all just fine but I don't ship them with a passion the way I do my top 3.

So I think that's about all for my intro. If you're still reading, congrats for making it through (I ramble a lot in my writing) and I guess comment if you want:).

Until next time

DeeDee out (haha Ryan Seacrest, gotta love him)