Hello fellow tv.comers and welcome to my (7th?) blog. Well there are quite a few things I would like to say but I'm going to try to keep this short and snappy.
First off, BRUCAS THREAD IS BACK!!! Thank God because talking in the Off Topic thread was too hectic plus there are only certain things I can talk to BLers about that LPers wouldn't get and vice versa. Speaking of which, it was nice to see LPers and BLers getting along and I found some new GG fans to discuss the new episodes with:)
OTH is coming back this Monday y'all:) Whoooo lol. But even better, GG is coming back next Monday yay!!!!! I'm so excited because I'm done with cla$$es and I only have two exams to study for so now I can fully focus on my shows without worrying about school too much.
Now onto the main focus of this entry. As I mentioned just now, I'm more or less officially done my first year of university. Wasn't all that it was cracked up to be but I have high hopes for second year. Anyways since I'm going to have four months off just working (hopefully -- need to get a job!) and writing (plan on finishing the sequel to my first story), I decided to do an O.C. and OTH rewind. I've kind of already started this (on the 8th episode of O.C. and 4th of OTH) but Nicki had this great idea where the forum as a whole could do an OTH rewind to pass the time between 5th and 6th seasons. Then I thought to myself, why not do an O.C. versus OTH match up and rewatch all the seasons of both shows. So that's what I'm doing and to include other OTH and O.C. fans, I've decided to blog about it and hopefully you guys would share your own perspective and it will be lots of fun lol.
So yeah I think that's all I have to say for now. Expect the first installment of this O.C. versus OTH thing sometime this week where I talk about the pilots. Just for the record, I've just watched both of them a couple of weeks ago and I'm really loving O.C. more but I might change my mind when I rewatch yet again.
Okay this blog went on longer than expected so I'll shut up now lol. So until next time