So I just went out to dinner and it wasnt so great but not bad either. Im very full now! I ate a TON of chips before we ate so I barely ate anything! I always manage to do that.
So i get this weird rash if Im in the sun to long. And I have it! It normally itches but its not itching this time! Its exciting and good! I think I got it today when I made myself get of the computer. Im so smart!
Im so tired right now im about to fall over but i gonna stay up another hour! I hate sleeping, or going to sleep its my least favorite thing. I do like sleeping in the middle of the night though. Thats nice. I also love waking up im so good at it! I know thats very weird but in the mornings when im still in bed if i just sit up im perfectly awake! Im a very awake person I stay up late, wake up early and and perfectly awake for the whole day. I love it! Im so cool! HeHe:) he he he. Ok I think I need to sleep!