Ok so last weekend i saw the Grudge! OMG omg soooo creepy and scary! ahhhhhhh! I mean uh-h-h-h-h-h--h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h! lol if u saw it that might make sense! its the noise the grude makes! ok now i have to stop thinking about it cuz im really scaring myself! omg omg! ok im better now!
So i reallllly REALLY want to see Shutter! but its not playing at the right theater so i cant!! *cries* But I will watch the grudge again! omg scary movies are soooooooo awesome! ive seen the ring soooo many times like 7!!! and it is still very crepy and scary! ahhh! hehe its my favorite movie! it just fits together nicely and still is infinished so cooolio! yay! yay!
Everyone has to see both of thoose movies!!! YOU HAVE TOO!!! ITS AN ORDER!:P