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*crisrj214 Blog


I don't really care for blogging , but I figured I would put something up for friends' sakes.

For about the last moth to month and half I have been working at Wal-mart. I had always heard previous employees talk about how bad it was at Wal-mart. I figured "Oh they are just exxaggerating" or "They just can't handle working." Well I have seen the Wal-mart way and let me tell you it's not pretty. So I have put in my two weeks notice and my last day will July 22. I can't wait to get of there. Once I do finish up there I plan to start taking some martial arts classes for at least the next several years since I still live with my mommy :D she said she would help me out a little. I know some of you are wondering why I still live with my mom, but it's not like I'm 40. I'm only 18 so it's alright... Right?

Anyway, I plan to build up some experience within the martial arts area to prepare for my intended career. If you feel the need to laugh go ahead I know where you live. I plan on becoming a bounty hunter although the U.S. recognizes them under a different title. If that doesn't work out I have a back-up plan; I will be a private investigator. Since the state I live requires that you only need a PI license and a firearms certification to be able to become a bounty hunter, I figured if the bounty hunter thing doesn't work out I'm already qualified to be a PI. For right now that's where my life is heading. I can only hope that I do not get attacked by mutant radioactive weasels bent on ruling the world and die of rabies.