I watched Kyle XY again... and it breaks my heart. I really can relate to Kyle the only difference is that his story ended up having meaning. From being a stranger he become someone that people thinks of with importance and respect. Me I am a stranger to myself and to others and I am still trying to figure out myself till now.
His innocence and his sensitivity to the things around him mold him into a better individual. Not because of the fact that he is just a test tube baby and his is altered to perform better than the rest. It is beause of the fact that he quickly understands and feels what other people are concerned about. Aside from that growing up with support from his foster family who fostered him and gave him positive outlooks in life. Watching Kyle grew in every episodes made me feel envious of him. To think that he easily become that person. Dependable,Responsible, a good friend, brother, and son, who Understands what others feel and Repsect their decisions and opinions.
Made me realize, if I grew up under the same atmosphere he grew up with I won't feel too much troubled with my life. But hey, this is just an expression and an opinion coming from me...