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*dancer234 Blog

Last Day of Summer

Well, today is the last day of summer, so, I wont be on for pretty much the whole school year:( Ill try to make it on between school, homework, and dancing 7 days a week. Well, hope to see you soon!


I'm trying to convince my parents to buy me tickets to the Hannah Montana concert for my birthday...but they wont even like talk about it! Honestly I could care less about Hannah Montana. I just really want to see the Jonas Brothers :P but, still im working on it!

Green Team

I'm so happy that the green team won the Disney Channel Games! Go Dylan! I hope Dylan will be a team captain next year and i hope Cole gets a chance too! But, its a great way to end the summer on Disney Channel!


Well I wont be on for a week starting tomorrow because im going to my beach I thought I would just let you know whats new! Today was the last day of dance camp which started on Monday. We put on a show for our parents and it was really fun to show everyone what we learned this whole week. I was also really excited when my dance teachers asked me to move into the older pre-professional camp which consists of dancers from 15 to semior year in high school...even though im only 13 and going into the eighth grade! I guess she thought I could keep up! Well, thats about it so ill be bac on in a week! Gotta go pack for the beach!

Lyrical Solo

I just found out that my song for my Lyrical solo is "Down to the River to Pray" by Alison Krauss! Well its not really a song...its more like people saying poetry in harmonies, but i still love it!

level 0

okay my computer has been messed up for a couple weeks and now it says that im a level zero. it was normal yesterday...


Sorry i havent been on in like a year ive had a really busy schedule between school, dance and homework, so i havent had any time in the past year to come on. Plus, my computer was totally messed up so i have been opn for the last two weeks but i havent been able to read mail, rite reviews, or rite blogs to tell you that i actually a, still alive. Well since ive been on last, i have a ton of news, but the most important is i got a new solo for the compettion season, and i still love the same shows like the suite life and i am so pumped for hsm2.oh and i am totally obsessed with the movie hairspray. well thats pretty much it so ill be on more often at least until school starts.


Since school started on the fifth I havent been on in a while. It is really hard between school, homework, and dance. Ill try to make it on at night and on weekends.

The new suite life and hannah montana is on tonight!!! I cant wait! Dance starts tomorrow!!

Jazz Solo!!

I am so happy!!! I got a jazz solo! I get to compete at compettion! This is like the best achievement of my life!!!
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