by *dannyfentonluvr on Comments
I'm probably gonna be too tired to do it tomorrow, so I'm just gonna say bye now. I'll be back in about 3 weeks (or 25 days), okay? Random: This is how you know I'm obsessed with the Internet: It's weird being away from being online for so long, even though I've been away for a long time before, and I go online for about 2-9 hours a day. [end quote] I'm gonna try and sneak in my cell into camp, but I don't know how well that's gonna go over. I'm so happy that 1. I'm allowed my iPod 2. We have electricity & 3. We get to stay in a hotel with Internet at almost the end of the session when we go to NYC for 2 days! =D Otherwise, I'll miss you all! :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: Don't forget me! LOL. See you all again next month! =]