I had skool 2day n im mad that lyk every othr skool got off except us. Also, my friends now aren't talking 2 me 4 some reason. I didn't do anything to them! Seriously! Also, any1 who reads my fanfic, i'm not gonna post the next chap of ABD until Mon nite. Srry! Also, my sis, Michal, might be leaving soon for her army duty back in Israel. Zip's already over there. She started in July. I miss her so much. Now I'm gonna be the oldest once Mickie (my sibs' n my nickname for her) leaves. I don't know if I'll have to serve my term because I'd have already lived in the US for more than 11 years. Anyways, that's it.
It's PEANUT-BUTTER JELLY TIME!!!!!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnS4m-Dp5RY
^_^ (that wuz so random!!!)