Alright, first they tell us that the new eppis were starting last June. June passed. Then Urban Jungle came out in October; it became a huge thing. Then they tell us that Eye For An Eye will premire around Thanksgiving weekend. That holiday passed. Then Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, Valentine's Day, President's Day, Easter, so on... Now they told us that Eye For An Eye would premire on June 8. Well, guess what? It's June 9th, and still no new eppis! Why do they keep lying to us?! They tell us that episodes will still be on for years to come, yet there hasn't even been a regular eppi aired in over a month. WTF is wrong with Nick these days?! Everyday, I've been checking on to see if an episode is airing soon. But every time, it say "No Episodes Are Airing In The Next 14 Days". You know how pissed that makes me? Really pissed. We've written letter after letter after letter. Has they done anything since then? Not really! Are we ever going to get an episode, or will have to watch regular episodes on the net or the ones we've taped or recorded? This sucks extremely. Well, that's my rant-of-the-day. I just had to get that out. But I will probably go burn something down (not rly) if they don't give us an eppi by January 8 (when PP is supposed to come out). Thank you for your time.
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