Can't sleep.
by *dizz_dizzler on Comments
5:30 and I'm so awake. This is bad. School is in 3 weeks and if I keep going out at night like this, then that'll be a problem. New York with some friends tomorrow. I don't know if I want to go. I'll probably change my mind last minute, knowing me. Things have definitely been better than they are now, a trip to New York while all my friends party and I just sit out will not make anything better. Update: (7:30 am) Well I didn't sleep last night. I tried and all but I have so much on my mind it just keeps me up. I refuse to be one of those pathetic women who cry themselves to sleep at night. I'd rather just stay awake. So anyway I'm going to take a run. It's really cool outside, so better now than later. And update on the New York situation, I'm nooooot going. :D Donna.