Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
by *dizz_dizzler on Comments
No, it's Super-Friend! Yessir, I'm on Level 8. I'm getting closer to my goal of Level 15 by the end of summer. I've been basically leveling up every day or two, so I'm on schedule. Anyway, I had my birthday yesterday. Not my real one, long story, but it was like a real one. I did reeeeeally well in the gifts department, lol. I'm not going to Miami because it conflicts with another two trips I'm taking this summer. So I'm done working out. I was going to dye my hair black again this morning, but I realized late last night that by the time school comes around, my roots will already be out and everything so I decided to wait. Maybe I just chickened out because I secretly like my hair the color it is originally? I don't know, but I'm pretty sure I want to color my hair black again. It looks cute I guess. I'm lisening to Back To One which is my song with Chase. It's making me cry. I miss him. Dizz out.