Ok, so there are a few reasons I haven't been on too much recently.
The first being that I got addicted to...
A NEW DS GAME!! What dija think I was going to say??
Haha, yeah. I guilted my mom into giving me an early Christmas present. Harvest Moon DS Cute. OH MEH GOODNESS it's addicting. And FUN!! I love love love love it. Love it.
Reason numero due is that when I get in trouble, the computer is the first thing mym mom takes away from me. Thinks it'll make me do work or whatever. Meh.
And reason....three (!!) is that It has been slow around here lately. Some people didn't read my last post and get people to come to TV.com. It honestly doesn't take much; a link on a YouTube page or Gaia profile asking to join,a message to internet friends with similar interests, even persuading RL friends who like Code Lyoko to join! It's just so...empty ( I mees everyone!!)
Okay, hope this is a good 'nuff explaination for ya. It might not be. I dunno.
Ok...that's it I suppose. ...Yealuvyabye!