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Tagged by Sarah!

Do you have any aliases? Francesca (Don't ask; inside joke) My alter-ego. People also call me "Spazzy Squirrel" ^-^

What is your favorite book? Hmm...tie between Howl's Moving Castle and...I can't even remember the other...

What is your favorite recent movie? Howl's Moving Castle (I love the movie more than the book.) Recent? Uhh, I guess Coraline.

List some names you would name your daughter. Corina (Corii), Sophie, Alice, Claire, Naomi or Taelia (Yes, I learned it for CL. Got a problem?).

List some names you would name your son: Jared, James, Tyler, Michele ('s Italian for 'Michael'), Jacob...I don't know too many guy names I like...

Where would you like to visit? Japan, Rome, Naples, England...too bad I'm scared of planes.

Who are your best friends in real life? Ilana (Lani), Lauren, Rachel, Tara, Olimpia, Suzanne, Jenn, a bunch more freaks like them.

Who are your best friends via internet? Sarah, Allan, Eric, amrcnd (sorry, not sure of your real name...0.o") and of course Kristi.

What is your favorite show? Three-way-tie; Code Lyoko, Shugo Chara and Full Metal Alchemist. EDIT: Karin/Chibi Vampire Pwns too!!

Is Sarah the awesomest person ever?? Heck nu...Kidding!! Haha, luv ya!
