Wow. Just wow. Tonights episode was wonderful, I really believe it's off to a great start! It just ended and I was like man I wanna watch that all over again! I'm so sooooooooo thrilled that Lucas picked Peyton, not only will the drawn out triangle finally end, but he chose the one that his heart truely desires. And damn, I thought I had a horrid mother, Victoria sure takes the cake on that one :x. Now Nanny Carrie, that is one crazy hoebag! I'm not a huge Dan Scott fan, but no one deserves what she is doing and is gonna keep doing. But seriously what kind of plan is this? Dan help her get Jamie? Even though Jamie likes Dan, Nathan and Haley are never gonna let him spend time alone with him. And if somehow this plan does go well, I Jamie slaps that dirty hoe :).And Naley, while there was no hot gotta have you now sex, him calling her baby was soooooooo adorable :) and her dancing with Jamie was not only hilarious but cute. Hope fully we'll get some hot gotta have you now Naley sex this season! :D
all in all tonight was a great show, I hope that if this is Tree Hill's final season (not definate yet) that more of these wonderful episodes follow!