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60 questions game :)

[60 Questions] (from: Othforeverlove)

01. Do you own a box full of receipts?: No, I don't :P

02. Is Dory your hero? Who is Dory?
03. Did you own a ponch, during the craze? A poncho? Yes, I did, and I still have it. Actually, I have three of them :P
04. Stripes or polka dots? Stripes, I think..
05. Do you like taking pictures of yourself? Yes. My bestfriend and I have picture-nights together where we take a lot of pictures of ourselves :P
06. Are Irish or Australian accents better? Australian! So hot!

07. Would you prefer to be eaten alive by Lions or Vultures? None of them, but if I had to choose, I would pick lions.
08. Muse or My Chemical Romance? My Chemical Romance! They're my favourite band! I love all their songs!
09. Do you own any beads? Yes, I think I do.
10. Hot pink or lime green? Hot pink! Pink is my favourite colour.
11. Do you own your own mini library? Mini-library? I have a bookshelf if that counts? But I love to read, so I have read a lot of books.
12. Are spin-tops cool? When I was a kid, yes.
13. Do you have a Seal called Pickles? No, should I?
14. Do you prefer Dragons or Unicorns? Unicorns are so pretty! But I love that dragon in that Barbie-movie..
15. What the name of the little elephant in the Jungle Book? Is there an elephant in the Jungle Book? I didn't think there was..
16. Do you have Green eyes? Yes, I do :P
17. Do you have your lip pierced? No, I don't =P
18. Are snakes cool? No.. Not in the jungle, not on the ground and not on a plane. Never.
19. Do you know where Cyrenaica is? Is that like a city?
20. Who plays the Emporer in the film Gladiator? I haven't seen the movie.
21. What's your favourite Diseny film? Sleeping Beauty or The Little Mermaid. I love Disney princesses :D
22. Tigger or Eeyore? Tigger ;D He's so funny and energetic :P
23. Converse All Star or Vans? Converse :P I own a pair in pink ;) Shocker :P
24. Did Amanda Burton star in Silent Witness or Waking The Dead? I don't know who that actress is, and I have not even heard of those movies.
25. Which Harry Potter actor/actresses do you prefer, Daniel Radcliffe or Rupert Grint or Tom Felton or Emma Watson? Emma Watson is a really good actress, but Daniel Radcliffe is so hot. So I don't really know :P
26. Are you a "Chav"? What's a Chay?
27. Do you agree that Clacton is "Chav" central? What on Earth is Chay??
28. Have you ever watched Complete Savages on Nickelodeon? No.
29. Have you ever read The Old Kingdom series, by Garth Nix? No, sorry.

30. Do you like the name Mohamed? Not my favourite name, but it's my bestfriend's father's name, so I don't hate it :P
31. Do you sleep with a comfort blanket/toy? No, but I have a little stuffed-animal dog :P
32. Do you think Dumbledore is actually dead? Yes, I do. I have read the seventh book. I didn't think he was, until I read that book.
33. Sid the Sloth rocks, yes or no? Oh yeah!! I love him :P
34. The Snorks or the Smurfs? What aret he Snorks? I like the Smurfs, so I guess I pick them.
35. Do you know anyone called Penelope? Nope.
36. Dick Darstardly or Mutley? Who are they?
37. Have you heard the theme tune to CSI: New York? Yes, I loved that show for a while, until they killed off my favourite character.
38. Do you often remember your dreams? No, I don't..
39. Do you like Anime? I never really watched any.. I have watched Winx, Witch and Pokemon if any of those are anime? But I have never watched like Final Fantasy or stuff like that.
40. Do you like Pokemon? Yes, but that's a long time ago.
41. Horror, Thriller, Romance or Comedy films? Romance and Comedy films :) I can never watch horror films to the end.. I have to turn them off :P
42. Have you ever been labeled a "Nerd"? Oh yes. I have very good grades :P But it's mostly my friends who call me that, and they are just the same :P
43. Have you ever called someone a word that they don't wanna hear? Haha, yes! I have to! When people are mean to me, I get mean towards them. Karma's a B!tch.
44. Are you a Myspace addict? I don't have a Myspace account. But I'm a facebook/tv.com addict :P
45. Minnie or Mickey mouse? Minnie ;) She's so adorable :P
46. Do you agree with Abortion? In some cases.
47. Do you have a favorite swear words, if so what? I don't swear a lot.
48. What's your favorite thing about yourself? My long hair.. That's shallow, right?
49. Money or Love? LOVE!!
50. Are you Bisexual? No, I'm not.
51. Favorite make-up product? I have to have my mascara and my eyeliner :P
52. Most recent, embarrassing moment? I don't know actually..
53. OMFG! Murphy got shot! do you care? Who is Murphy?
54. Do you surport a football team? No, I don't like football. I only like it when Christiano Ronaldo takes off his shirt ;P But that's soccer isn't it?
55. Do you know how to play Chess? No..
56. Do you like the film " Miss Congeniality 2"? I have only seen the first one.
57. Do you like the "Whiskers, Oh So Fishy" Advert? Huh?
58. Do you reckon you have no friends? No, I have friends :) Luckily!
59. You like Smirn Off Ice? Yes, I do. But it's spelled Smirnoff Ice :P
60. Do you like the song "Everytime we touch" by Cascada? Yes, I was hooked on it when I first heard it :P