*embee87 / Member

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I saw THE metallicar! Well, a couple actually...

I am just getting home when my little sister runs to the door to meet me. On her way home she had spotted one of those coloured movie arrows with the letters "SN" on it. She knows how obsessed I am with Supernatural and they do film the show here so of course she ran back up the street with me. We find all the movie trailers and wander up and down the street they are filming on and up and down the block of dressing room trailers. There wasn't much going on at the time and I was beginning to feel like a big, pathetic stalker so we decided to go. We are getting to the end of the trailers when I see it: THE METALLICAR!! Two of them actually! I tried to act calm and collected but inside I was freaking out!! I made my sister take a couple of pictures on her cell phone. She thought I was a bit of a freak (aren't we all?) but I didn't care. I didn't get to see the boys (*tear*), but I am so excited about the car that I don't even care! I needed to tell someone so I phoned my best friend. Of course, she doesn't watch Supernatural so she didn't exactly get why me spotting some car was so amazing, but it was. It was so big and shiny and real!!

I kind of wished there had only been one. Seeing the two side by side like that next to the movie trailers made it seem less real. Don't worry, I am aware that it is not real and Sam and Dean don't exist. I'm not that delusional...yet.