Well, it's gotten to that time of year when most shows head into their winter hiatus and I am down three shows. What will get me through each week if not the promise of an hour full of suspense/passion/humour?? I live vicariously through my television shows (Don't most of us lowly tv-addicts?), and I'm not afraid to admit it. TV is just more interesting than my life. And mre interesting than your life. Oh come on, you know it's true. When is the last time you hunted things that go bump in the night? Or broke your falsly accused brother out of prison? Or were stranded on a deserted, not to mention incredibly bizarre, island? Or were just really good-looking and young and rich?? OK that last one sounded pretty lame, but that's why I don't watch the OC.
My problem now though, isn't so much the fact that I will miss my weekly shows. I mean, don't get me wrong, I totally will. There will be moments when I will be tempted to come check some spoilers for the next episode of Prison Break, or moments when I will sit and ponder what crazy medical malady House will cure next, but my big problem is this:
What will I do with all that free time?
It's a brain teaser. I spend an inordinate amount of time watching TV. It is a real problem. I mean, I never watch TV in the summer and when shows go on hiatus or I am in a place without cable, I don't really notice. However, when the TV is available, I become an addict. So, what to make sure I put my time to good use I have come up with some ideas:
Arts and Crafts - This sounds stupid, but the holidays are coming up and I am a poor student working for minimum wage so making people gifts could be an option. I can be pretty creative and am not completely hopless in art. Any suggestions?
Also on the list: Yoga. I have always wanted to try out yoga but could never find the time! Or, if it turns out yoga is not my thing: self-defense classes!! I like to punch things! Hmm...what else? Cooking? I don't know how to cook. Bake, yes: cookies, cakes, pies you name it! Cooking...not so much. Or laundry. Maybe I could learn to do laundry properly. Oh be quiet, Rachel was like thirty before Ross taught her so I figure I am way ahead of the game here. Well, that was actually a pretty good list. I better go get started. I am gonna be busy!