*embee87 / Member

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TV has been ruined for me

I have a bone to pick with Joss Whedon. Don't get me wrong, the man's a genius and I love him, but I am annoyed just the same. Why you ask? He has effectively ruined all future TV for me. As an avid Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel/Firefly fan, I find that no other shows can even comes close to the level of entertainment Jess provided. It's true. I do watch other shows, I do love other shows, but it's not the same. All his shows had a little something extra. What made them stand out? Not sure. Joss seems to have a knack for taking a ridiculous sounding premise (Buffy the Vampire Slayer - right. And a sci-fi western?!?) and completely surprising you. It was smart TV. Story telling at it's finest. Unique concepts coupled with witty writing. It probably has a lot to do with some of the most well written/developed characters on tv ever, portrayed by some very fine and talented actors. The characters on Buffy, Angel and Firefly weren't static. They grew and changed over time. They felt real. Their relationships felt real. We were manipulated into caring about each and every one of them and I resent that! Because all these amazingly good shows are gone and now I am left with nothing. Just a handful of 'pretty good' shows.Shows that are only a hollow mockery of the art I had grown so accustomed to. Shows that I watch each week in a vain attempt to fill the void left within me. So what do I do? How do I find the strength within me to carry on? DVDs. And movies such as Serenity and the anxious awaited Wonder Woman. And hope. Hope that one day Mr. Whedon will be inspired to return TV with some new and equally crazy idea that will turn out, not-so-shockingly to be my newest favourite show.