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*empresstalia Blog


Fridays on the sci fi channel are back. All three shows, SG-1, Atlantis and Galactica are back to there old great selves again. The last two weeks episodes have been amazing. SG-1 seems to be getting into a good flow and Atlantis is back to its great self. But my favorite show last night had to be Galactica. I wasn't to happy the week before when we didn't get a lot of Caprica time, but they made up for it this week. The ending of last nights show was the best since the finale, it was heart wrenching.


To top off my already bad weekend, my goldfish that I've had for 8 or 9 years died this morning.

Why Pet Insurance is a good idea

Saturday I found out my cat might have a tumor. I took him to my regular vet to get examined because I thought he was fat. His stomach got big and felt hard around march then i started to give him weight control food and one day it was gone. So I figured it was working, its hard to tell because he's a black cat. But 2 weeks later it was back and it hasn't gone away. My vet said it could be a tumor but I don't get how because it was there, then it wasn't, then it was there again. So now I have to take him to a vet specialist who charges $95.00 for a consultation, $250.00 for an ultrasound and anywhere from $100-250 for a biopsy, and that could be just the beginning cost if he has a tumor. I love my cat. I've had him for over 7 years, so of course I'm going to find someway to pay for it. But I will never forgive myself for not giving him health insurance.


Yesterday I was a soup nazi. How did I get to Thighmaster so fast? I'm not complaining, I just don't understand this ranking system.


Firefly is on scifi friday, well an hour before sci-fi friday, but its the same. This makes my friday so much more amazing. I just dread the day when the last episode shows and they rip it away again. I am sick of seeing good shows, Andromeda, Firefly, Farscape, etc., etc., etc. being ended in the prime of their life. What is wrong with the people in charge. They don't know what their doing. Maybe just maybe, with this new Serenity movie, they will be able to reinstate Firefly and get it going again. This probably wont happen but there's always hope.

Sci-Fi Friday season premieres

What can I say about the premieres SG-1, Atlantis and BSG. I know. It was O.K., not great, but O.K. BSG was good but not as good as its season finale which a 10.0. There premiere was about an 8, because it didn't keep me on the edge of my seat. Maybe I expected to much. SG-1 was O.K. The first 30 minutes was a complete waste of time. It got sort of interesting when Vala appeared and sort of progressed to good. I think it was about a 7.5. Atlantis was of course better than SG-1 but not by much. Again I think I expected to much. It was probably an 8.5 like BSG. I just hope all three get more interesting in the weeks to come. Almost forgot to mention Baltar, when the fact that the baby was his sunk in, he had this look of fear on his face which was just hilarious.

Sweat Hog?

Saw my new rank yesterday. I'm a sweat hog. Oh so appealing! Why would anyone want to be a sweat hog. Weatherman was better than that. Maybe their tyring to inspire people to advance themselves. Sweat Hog! UGh!

Think About It

I was writing my personal statement for the boards and it got me thinking about whats important to me. I love and respect the world around us, the environment that we exist in. It's sad that sometimes we humans take things for granted and more so now a days. So many people are fighting about politics, war, and religion and they don't see the biggest problem in front of them. The planet is dying and its humans fault. The world is changing and not just because of the natural passage of time, but because of the selfishness of humanity. I'm not saying that I'm not selfish. That I'm not a part of the blame. I take my responsibility in this destruction, more people need to, but until every man and woman sees what they have done, nothing will change. Everyone needs to change to preserve this planet, even me, you don't even have to do a lot. It's the little changes that count. If everyone were to recycle their bottles and cans, if they were to take shorter showers (including me), use less water, don't pollute. If every one planted a tree there would be 6 billion plus more trees in the world. But everyone wont because they don't care enough. I've noticed something in life. When it comes down to it humans just care about themselves in the now. Meaning they don't care about the future or what happens 20, 30 or even 100 years from now, because it probably won't affect them. But what about the children people say they care so much about. What future are we giving them? Think about it.


I'm in my 3rd year of college and just figured out that I would rather be a writer than a biologist. The last several years was not a complete waste of my time though because I want to be a science fiction writer. I think I might still get my Biology degree, and maybe even go on to get my doctorate, but I can't imagine being a scientist. Don't get me wrong I love science, the lab work especially, but it's not like I thought it would be. I have no desire for it anymore, I don't think I ever did. I think, I like the concept of science, I like to learn and discover things. I am well known for thinking outside of the box, but when I'm writing, and creating new worlds, I get so immersed into the world that I become part of the world, its amazing. I can't imagine not writing everyday for hours on in. For so many years because of my schedule I would forego that experience, because of homework or work. When I took a break from college and started writing again, I realized that writing was my passion, not science and somehow I had to pursue it. I don't know if I'm a great writer, let a lone a good one, and I think that’s what’s holding me back. I think I'm afraid to write because if I ever finish anything and send it off, then if it doesn't do good I might never write again. Hopefully I’ll get over this fear sometime soon, and if not I’ll have Biology to fall back on.