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Sci-Fi Friday season premieres

What can I say about the premieres SG-1, Atlantis and BSG. I know. It was O.K., not great, but O.K. BSG was good but not as good as its season finale which a 10.0. There premiere was about an 8, because it didn't keep me on the edge of my seat. Maybe I expected to much. SG-1 was O.K. The first 30 minutes was a complete waste of time. It got sort of interesting when Vala appeared and sort of progressed to good. I think it was about a 7.5. Atlantis was of course better than SG-1 but not by much. Again I think I expected to much. It was probably an 8.5 like BSG. I just hope all three get more interesting in the weeks to come. Almost forgot to mention Baltar, when the fact that the baby was his sunk in, he had this look of fear on his face which was just hilarious.