Rules are simple all you have to do is answer the questions and if you get them right you can make up the next ten question.
1: What did Geoff give Bridgette in the episode "Up the Creek"?
2: Name all the fears of the campers.
3: List of the gross food the campers had to eat in the episode "Brunch of Digustingness".
4: Which camper fought face to face of the The REAL serial killer with a chainsaw and a hook?
5: What does Duncan's family all have in common that Duncan tries to oppose?
6: What does Heather do to Gwen that actually makes her cry. (Hint it was in the episode "Search and Do Not Destroy")
7: Name and list in order the campers that were voted off and the reason why.
8: What were the food themes for the episode "If You Can't Take The Heat"
9: List the couples in the order that their relationship was official.
10: Name the staff on Total Drama Island.
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