A couple days ago my friend and I found these two little baby bunnies (3-4 weeks old) in my yard. They're probably about the size of a tennis ball. They were both huddled together, with one kind of on top of the other, like he was protecting his sibling.....so I named that one Dean and the other one Sammy. I know I'm a dork! Anyways, we put them in a box and brought them home because they're mom was killed by a car in my neighborhood :( But the really sad thing is that Dean died the other night so now Sam is left alone. I'm praying that his death isn't some sort of freaky clue to what happens in the Supernatural premiere. What a tragedy that would be! I really hope the bunny Sam survives though because he's such a cute little baby. I thought he was going to die of fright yesterday during the fireworks, but thankfully he didn't! :)
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