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*g3eh Blog

Oh, how the days go by!

Has it really been that long since i last posted up a blog entry?!
oOofted! sorry to all you blog readers for the lack of blog updates ... its been so hectik lately, and i just haven't found the time to type up blog entries and stuff! My sincere apologies to all! HAHAHA!

Christmas is coming! Did any of you guys realise how fast the time goes by ?! HAHAHA OHH and speaking of celebrations ... its my birthday next tuesday, November 13th! i kind of almost forgot that it was, until i remembered how the year 10ers are gonna be doing their school certificate on the 12th november and onwards .... HAHAHA i don't think i'll end up remembering, coz i don't even remember what the date is today ! i'll probably end up thinking it was a normal day, but really its the day i turn 17! Like =O HAHAHAHA but yes :) random, i know ... but yes! LOL ! EWWW i feel so old now! HAHAHA :)

Another update is the fact that I have now officially started year 12 ... my HSC year! OMGSH i swear, im like really freaking out atm, coz i have so many assessments due in the next few weeks, and like ... i have to make sure that i do it well coz every single assessment and test that i do counts towards my final HSC mark! *stresses* LOLOL And what's even more scary is the fact that I've got one year of high school left! It's such a depressing thought, but then its also kind ofEXCITING too! hahaha ... =( but im trying not to think about it just yet ... my main focus right now is to study hard and get through the rest of the year! LOL!

I'm in major One Tree Hill withdrawwal right now, which i'm sure all of you other OTH fans are experiencing as well, but seriously ... its killing me! I've been going on OTH marathons just to try to pass this withdrawal!

Ohh and one more thing! I went to the state library today as a little excursion for society and culture. I didn't end up dropping it :(Anyway, the library was nice, but today was such a cloudy andgloomy day, that everytime i think about it, i get these weirdo vibes!WEIRD right? And to add to that, i still havent figured out a topic yet, and its one of the things that is really freaking me out right now! But yes! Just thought i'd mention that little fact hahaha!

Anyway, to cut this blog entry short, I decided to post up another one of these quiz thingies, since i know a lot of people like to do them!If i don't stop now, i'll probably end up rambling til theres no tomorrow! HAHAHA ! This quiz thingyy is similar to one of the other ones i posted in one of my old blog entries, but yeaa :) hahaha its different! hahahaha !


You have to use 3 words to answer each question. No more, no less. It's harder than you think.

1. Where is your cell phone?
somewhere over there!

2. Your girlfriend/boyfriend/hubby?
is non-existent

3. Your hair?
is like, ICKY!

4. Where is your father?
watching the news!

6. Your favorite thing to do?
music, tv, sleep!

7. Your dream last night?
quite odd actually!

8. Your favorite drink?
is green tea :D

9. Your dream car?
where to start? (LOLOL)

10. The room you're in?
my lovely bedroom!

12. Your fears?
please dont ask!

14. Who did you hang out with last night?
me, myself, i !

15. What aren't you good at?
lots of things!

16. Muffins?
at muffin break? (LOLOL)

17. One of your wish list items?
*blushes, smiles, giggles*


19. The last thing you did?
drank green tea!

20. What are you wearing?
very warm clothing! :D

22. Your pet?
is annoying me!

23. Your computer?
can suck balls! (LOLOLOL)

24. Your life?
is pretty good!

25. Your mood?
stressed, worried, anxious

26. Missing?
my life before.

27. What are you thinking about right now?
lots of things!

28. Your car?
ford, black, sedan!

29. Your work?
soon@cotton on! (the @ isnt considered a word, right?! LOLOL)

30. Your summer?
i can't wait!

31. Your relationship status?
am currently single! (LMAO)

32. Your favorite color(s)?
orange, black, white!

33. When is the last time you laughed?
one hour ago!

34. Last time you cried?
whilst watching movie!

35. School?
stresses me out! :(


Anyway, feel free to tax it !

Til next time,
- Germaine

Busy, Busy, Busy !

Hello hello all !

I haven't blogged in a while coz I've been UBER busy with school ... end of prelim exams are coming up in 2 weeks, and I just finished all of the last minute assignments that were due this week! I've been that busy that I feel like I haven't had a proper night's sleep in like ... 4-5 days!

Anyway ... I HATE CREATIVE WRITING! I suck at it, and I can never come up with any good ideas for a storyline, in comparison to Serena and Hayley, who are in the process of writing two fantabulous fanfics! THUMBS UP to Serena (luvos_united) for her well-written fan-fic! I was reading it, and I have to say that so far, its FREAKING AWESOME! =] I enjoyed reading what she's written so far, and I can't wait for the upcoming chapters! =] Kudos also goes to Hayley (Hayley4naley) for her fan-fic! Keep up the awesome work dude! You're fanfic is also AWESOME, and its also been enjoyable to read so far! =]


My week so far has been stressful ... the thought of prelim exams are stressing me out, and to add to that,the teachers are also making me feel pressured! BAHHH ... I need to work harder! =]

OHH! And on the side note, I've been going ONE TREE HILL CRAZY all week! I kind of went on a one tree hill marathon last week, and I've been reading some latest spoilers of season 5, and OMG I'M SO EXCITED! I can't wait for the new season to begin, and all of the cast look so fantabulous =]

If any of you guys wanted to know some stuff about Season 5, go onto Stephen Coletti's blog (link is below), and you'll find the answers to some questions you might have about the upcoming season ! =]

-Stephen Colletti Blog.-


Before I end this blog, I just wanted to post up this psychological thingyyy that I found on myspace, that all you guys can do ! Its fun, and really interesting, and it`ll take no more than 10 minutes to complete! =] It`ll give you a kind of insight of your personality ! =] It's only10 questions ... once you have answered all of them, scroll down to link to find the final analysis of your answers! DONT CHEAT though, or you`ll defeat the purpose of the whole thing.


*Ohh and btw ... I tried to put it in a "spoiler" link but this error kept coming up, and it wouldnt let me, so yeaa ... just scroll down for the answers instead! =]


Psychoanalyse Yourself; Don't read ahead, just answer the following questions with the first thought that comes to mind. Then read which each answer means at the end. (No cheating! )

1. You are not alone. You are walking in the woods. Who is with you?

2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind of animal?

3. What interaction takes place between you and the animal?

4. You walk deeper in the woods. You enter a clearing, and before you is your DREAM house. How big is it?

5. Is your dream house surrounded by a fence?

6. You enter the house. You walk into the dining room and see the dining room table. What do you see on AND around it?

7. You exit the house and a cup is on the ground, what kind is it?

8. What do you do with the cup?

9. You walk to the edge of the property where you find yourself at: what type of water?

10. How will you cross the water?









............................ SCROLL DOWN ...










...... KEEP GOING ...








............................ JUST A BIT MORE ....











1. The person who you are walking in the woods with is the most important to you.

2. The size of the animal is representative of your perception of the size of your problems in your life.

3. The severity of the interaction you have with the animal is representative of how you deal with your problems.

4. The size of your dream home is representative of the size of your ambition to solve your problems.

5. A lack of a fence is indicative of an open personality. People are welcome at all times. The presence of a fence indicates a closed personality. You'd prefer people not drop by unannounced.

6. If your answer did NOT include food, flowers, or people, then you are generally unhappy.

7. The durability of the material with the cup is made of is representative of the perceived durability of your relationship.

8. What you did with the cup is representative of your attitude.

9. The size of the body of water is representative of the size of your sexual desire.

10. The way you cross the water is representative to how easy or hard you expect your life to be.

- Til next time

Germaine :]

Saturday Movie Marathon!

Oops ... its been a while since I last blogged ... I was meaning to blog, but during those times when i felt like i wanted to blog, i was busy and i really needed to do whatever i was doing at that time .. or it was just really late at night ... LOL!

I had an awesome Saturday (yesterday) coz I spent most of the day watching movies! This is the list of movies I ended up watching:
- Win a Date with Tad Hamilton
- She's All That
- Premonition

They were all AWESOME movies and I know Win a Date with Tad Hamilton is a really OLD movie, and so was She's all That, but i watched Win a Date with Tad Hamilton for the first time, and I really LOVED IT! I rented it, so now I'm gonna buy it on DVD ! :] I have much to say about it, but if i do, the blog entry would probably reach 2-3 pages long! BAHAHAHA

And I watched She's All that for like ... the 10th time this week ... I LOVE THAT MOVIE!! *screams* It's like my NO.1 FAVOURITE MOVIE! BAHAHA! It's a really OLD movie, but its just so ... BAHHH ! :D I really love Freddie Prinze Jr and Rachael Leigh Cook together! They just have this really great chemistry on screen! LOL !! And after watching it, I realised that there are so many movies that have come out since She's All That came out, and alot of them revolve around a similar story line to this movie, like A Cinderella Story, for example ... ALOT of movies are cliche and unoriginal now .... *shrugz*

Ohh ...and adding to the above,Freddie Prinze Jr and Josh Duhamel are so FREAKING HOT! (in my opinion anyway) LOLOL ! *screams* Sarah Michelle Gellar and Fergie are VERY lucky girls ! LOLOL

Premonition wasa GOOD movie too! I'm a huge Sandra Bullock fan, and I reckon she did a very good performance in the movie ... I know ALOT of people thought it was crap, but i reckon it was alright! :] I remember reading this movie review on Premonition, and the person gave it a 4/10 saying that there were alot of plot holes and so on ... but after watching it, i reckon they explained everything properly! And all of the questions that I had whilst the movie was going on was pretty much all explained in the end! So I don't know what the critic was watching, but i really think they need to watch it again! BAHAHA

Anyway, I have another quiz for everybody to tax! :] It's funny, coz the beggining part of it is quite relevant to this blog entry! But be warned: IT'S A TAD BIT LONG! LOL :]



1. Do you stand up and/or clap at the end of a good movie?:
BAHAHAHA! Sometimes! I think the last time I did that, it was either after Harry Potter or Transformers!

2. Have you ever cried in a movie theater?:
HELL YEAA! More like ... all the time BAHAHA

3. What's the most you've done in a movie theater?:
BAHAHA watched a movie? Ate? BAHAHA Talked? BAHAHAHA

4. What's some of your favorite snacks to eat at a movie theater?:
I like chocolate and lollies :] Im not very fond of popcorn! LOL

5. Do you sneak in drinks and snacks so you don't have to pay the high prices?:
HELL YEAA! Like ... all THE TIME! BAHAHA do you know how expensive the food is at the candy bar? Its like $6 for 200g of starburst lollies, when you could get the same type at a different store for like ... $2 ! BAHAHA I'm cheap, i know BAHAHA

6. Last movie you saw in theaters and with whom?:
I think it was ... Harry Potter! With Kristine and Sadiopops! LOL

7. Where do you usually sit in the theater (front, back, middle, etc.)?:
Back ... it kills ur neck to sit at the front! hahaha

8. What do you do when you're alone in the theater?:
I'm not usually alone HAHAHA

9. What's the best and worst movie you saw in theaters?:
best movie? I'd say ... Raise your Voice! (I love that movie) / worst movie? Rumour Has It .... It was so crap! no offense! LOL

10. Have you ever had to sit on the floor because the theater was too crowded?:
BAHAHAHA fortunately, no... haha


1. What's your favorite mall store?:

2. Favorite eating place at the mall?:
Like takeaway restaurant? umm ... probably maccas! hahaha

3. Do you like it better when the mall is dead or more crowded?:
crowded .. i feel more like im at a mall ... LOL dont ask why hahaha

4. Do you stay away from malls during holidays?:
NOPES! I work ! LOL

5. Last thing you bought while at the mall?:
Hrmmz ... Bread from breadtop LOL

6. Name all of the malls you've been too.:
there's LOTS haha

7. Which do you like better; the escalator, elevator or regular steps?:
regular steps ! AHHHA i like walking up them! LOL

8. Do you and your friends ever go to the mall just to look at hot guys/girls?:
bahahha no! hahaha

9. What's the name of your nearest mall?:
Westfields LOL


1. Favorite restaurant?:

2. What do you usually order at it?:
I've only been there once? But if i was to go back, I'd definitely buy the BANANARAMA again! :]

3. Do you ever order a bunch of stuff just to take it home and eat later?:
When i get take out, yups! LOL! hahaha

4. Fancy restaurants, diners, or fast food?:
Who is it I am going with? LOL

5. Don't you hate it when people order hamburgers and stuff at fancy restaurants when they could've just went to McDonald's?:
Nope :D LOL! :]

6. Is a date to a restaurant sound romantic to you?:
LOL ! it depends on what we do there? BAHAHAHHA !

7. Do you order more when you don't have to pay?:
LOL ! i only order as much as i can eat! hahaha

8. How much of a tip do you leave?:
Whatever change I have! LOL

9. Have you ever gotten horrible service?:
Yesssss hell yes!

10. Worst restaurant you've been to?:
ummm .. i have no idea! LOL all the restaurants I've been to aren't bad!

Cloudy Days are Depressing! LOL

HarlOo HarlOo people!I want to start off this blog entry by saying that I'm BORED! hahaha ... and after seeing just how popular quizzes are on TV.com, especially that last quiz that i posted on my last blog ... i decided to post another one up ! I know lots of people enjoy filling in some ... so i thought, HEY! Here's another one that people can tax ! HAHAHAHA... Again feel free to tax it!

On the side note, my week has started off pretty weird! HAHA after being away from everyone at school on friday then the weekend, it felt really weird to go back to school ... HAHAHA! And to add to that, today was a very gloomy day coz the weather made it uberly depressing! AHAHA it started off sunny, then it went cloudy and then it started to rain! Like waddapuk! =/ HAHAHA
And OMGSH!The day went even more depressing coz Ireceived another assessment ! Now I have to do a stupid play thingy, and I have two creative writing pieces to complete! And all the people who know me well understand that creative writing is SO NOT MY FORTE as i am the MOST UNCREATIVE PERSON IN THE WORLD! Bahhh AHAHAHA

Ohh and I also have to say that in Society and Culture, we were watching this film called "Diverting to Delhi", which is a movie about those telecommunications thingg and call centres .... and i was surprised to find out that alot of calls made to call centres are sometimes diverted to call centres in Delhi, India! LOL I know that there are a majority of indians who are involved in the call centre business, but to find out that alot of the calls are diverted to another country is pretty interesting! LOL! I hope people don'tthink I'mracist by saying that ... but yeaaa! i just thought i`d type that down coz i reckon its really interesting :] HAHAHA

Anyway, enough of my ranting ... enjoy the quiz! HAHA :]


1. Your name with a y on the end.
Germaine-y ! LOLOL

2. Two feelings at the moment?
Cheerful but upset? LOLOL ! dont ask me how that works! LOL

3. What are you listening to right now?
You're Beautiful - James Blunt

4. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind?
My life is brilliant my love is pure ... HAHA LOLOL

5. Describe where you are right now?
my room LOL

6. The highlight of your week?
SHE'S ALL THAT! hahaha I LOVE THE MOVIE !!! *screams*

7. What are you wanting right now?
LMAO! i want to pee! LMAO hahaha

8. Who was the last person you went out to eat with?
LMAO! my usual after-school group! - rhia, marco, jeremy, wesley, ricci, luis and kat HAHAHA

9. What are you scared of?
to end up alone ... LOL

10. Last Movie you watched? With who?
movie thats out in the cinemas? NEXT! i liked the movie! haha

11. Are you thinking of someone right now?
nopes hahaha

12. Britney Spears is a skank. Agree or disagree?
sorry but i have to agree! sorry all u britney fans LOL

13. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
a song ! hahhaa

16. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
i really don't remember ....

18. Name a friend whose name starts with "L"?

19. Do you have to work tomorrow?
nopes! but i have school! *sighs* HAHAHA

20. Do you have a crush on a girl?
BAHAHHAA no! hahaha

21. How many houses have you lived in?
3 in my whole entire life! hahhaa :]

22. For or against same sex marriage?
FOR! hahaha let them be, people! hahaha

23. Last friend you talked to online?
Kyna! but that was like ... sunday hahaha

24. Who was the last person to text message you?
Sadiopops! HAHAHA :]

25. What did it say?
ummm ... something about asking me to tell her what i wanted to tell her at lunch that day! LMAO HAHAHA

26. Where was the last place you went besides your house?
School hahaha

27. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
unfortunately yes ... but i dont! LOL :oops:

28. Do you speak any other language other than English
Yups! taglish :] hahaha tagalog and english! HAHAHA

29. If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you say the most?

30. Last thing you watched on TV?
This show on ABC kids! hahahaha

Are you..

1. A cuddler?

2. A morning person?
OOFT HELL NO! HAHAHA it takes 2 alarms, 2 people and a splash of water to wake me up! hahaha

3. Are you a perfectionist?
sometimes! hahaha depends on what it is hahaha

5. Religious?
yups ! I'm definitely attending WYD 08 next year! woOoot! haha

6. In your pajamas?
yups hahaha ITS COMFORTABLE!

7. Left handed?


1. The weather is?
BAD! it was all cloudy and rainy ... quite depressing hahaha!

2. Was today better than yesterday?
yeaaa it was... haha

3. Today is:
Tuesday and tuesdays arent a good day for me LOL

4. Got any plans?
study ... haha exams are coming up in4 weeks! hahaha


1. number:

2. Color:
ORANGE! hahaha

3. Season.


1. Missing
one tree hill LOL IT HAS TO COME BACK SOON! HAHAH im in major one tree hill withdrawal LOL

2. Needing:
A big fat bear hug! LOL

3. Wanting?
To watch "I now pronounce you CHUCK AND LARRY!" HAHAHA i heard its uberly FUNNY ! :]


Well ... til next time everyone!

- Germaine

Bienvenue vers la France !

FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE! That's the country I'm doing for my Society and Culture assessment. I am currently at home (again), coz yes .. I am feeling quite sick today - i have a runny nose and a sore throat ... and I crave to watch DVDs! But no .. i must do this S&C assessment!

I'm not bothered to go on and on about how the rest of my week went, and all that JAZZ ... so I decided to post up a survey thing-a-ma-jigg thing that i taxed off a friend on myspace! Like I always say ...FEEL FREE TO TAX IT! hahaha ... I know most ppl don't usually bother reading answers to questionnaries like these ... but since I'm in an UBER random mood, the quiz is about what's on my mind .. so yes ! :]

Ohh ... but for what its worth, my highlight of the week was TV.COM ! :]



1. Your last relationship = was non-existant LOL

2. I am listening to = good gifts - melanie doane - ITS SO SAD! LOL

3. Maybe I should = do this S&C assessment! =(


5. Chocolate is = delicious in moderation

6. I don't understand = FRENCH! LOL

7. I have lost my respect for = some people ...

8. I last ate = a ham and pineapple bread! LOL

9. The meaning of my user name = its my nickname! LOL

10. God = Faith

11. Someday = I'll travel the world! LOL :]

12. I will always remember = One Tree Hill ! LOL

13. Love = from the heart :]

14. I never ever want to lose = ... stuff ? LOL

15. My MySpace is = almost dead! LOL

16. Tomorrow I will = be doing this S&C assessment! LOL =(

17. I get annoyed when = I'm in a bad mood !

18. Parties = dance dance! (SO FALL OUT BOY! :] )

20. Simple kisses = simple hugs? LOL

21. Today I = had a shower! LOLOLOL! :]

22. I wish = for freedom! LOL

01. is your hair wet?: damp LOL not wet, but not completely dry either! LOL
02. is your cell phone right by you?: YUPS! i currently have TWO ! LOL
03. do you miss someone?: of course :]
04. are you wearing chap stick?: nopes! haha
05. are you tired?: so-so ! LOL
06. are you wearing pajamas?: half half LOL!
08. are you mad?: BAHAHA ! M.A.D ! - it reminds me of my friends Marco.Aaron.Dat ! LOLOL! They call themselves that :P hahaha
09. are you upset?: not really! LOL

01. recently done anything you regret?: Who hasnt? LOL I'm always regretting .. BAD I KNOW! LOL
03. ever stuck gum under a desk?: not that i know of? I am environmentally friendly :] HAHA
04. ever kicked someone?: I think so ! LOL But it was by ACCIDENT! LOL
05. ever tripped over your own feet?: BAHAHAHHA yes ! :oops:

01. have you cussed?: not that i know of .. i try not to ! HAHAHA
02. have you gotten mad at someone?: hmm .. no not really! LOL

Q: is there a person who is on your mind right now?
yes .. my grandparents :] LOL!

Q: do you have any siblings?
Yes i do ... unfortunately! HAHHAA 1 brother and 1 sister! LOL

Q: do you want children?
One day ! LOL

Q: do you smile often?
Of course! I can't got through one day without smiling OR laughing! LOL

Q: do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
hardly ever! too lazy ! haha

Q: do you like your handwriting?
sometimes ! It depends on how I feel ! LOL

Q: are your toenails painted?:
HAHAHA ! it was! haha ... atm,each toe nail is like half painted hot pink ! LOL

Q: are you a friendly person?
YUPS ! But there are times when I can be really shy ! haha but majority of the time, I am friendly!

Q: whose bed others than yours do you sleep in?
no1s! haha .. my bed is the best! LOL

Q: what color shirt are you wearing?
red! LOL

Q: what were you doing at 2pm yesterday??
school ... i think i was in english during that time ...

Q: I can't wait for:
high school to finish! No joke! LOL

Bonds Commercial ...

OK, this is a very random fact, but I think the Bonds Kaleidescope Underwear commercial has the catchiest song ever! HAHAHA ... For all those ppl who come from Australia, I'm sure you guys know whichcommercial I'm talking about! HAHAHA ... I know its a really weird thing to say about a commercial that shows a bunch of girls dancing in their underwear, but I was listening to the song, and its just so UBER BOPPY AND CATCHY! hahaha ... it just makes you feel like dancing! HAHA! The choreography is pretty good as well, and it looks really cool from the top view angle shot that they used!

But don't take my word for it :P hahaha ... For anyone who wants to view it, you can view the commercial from this website: http://www.bonds.com.au/summer/
... Then tell me what you think! HAHAHA
It's pretty cool coz the website shows a video about how they made the commercial and you can even download the song that they used for free!


Anyway, I'm gonna have to cut this blog entry short coz its 11pm atm, and I really need to catch up on some beauty sleep! Just thought I'd share that SUPER random fact! HAHAHAHA!

- Germaine

That Monday feeling ...

Ever wake up on a Monday morning, not in the mood to go to school, uni or work, coz you'd rather sleep in, or because you want a change from your everyday routine? LOL ! If you must know, I am at home coz I felt that exact feeling this morning when I woke up! And in case you were wondering ...I didn't go to school! I'm not proud of it, but I don't regret it either ... LOL ... it was just one of those days when I didn't want to proceed with my usual monday rituals, which continue on throughout the rest of the week ... with the weekend asa slight exception. This is a pathetic excuse, but hey! It's just one of those days! LOL...

Anyway, I haven't blogged in ages, so I thought ... hey! I SHOULD BLOG! hahaha .. so here i am!

Well ... I actually had a EXTRA long weekend, coz I didn't have school last Friday due to staff development day ... that day was supposed to be a study day .. but not for me! It was my friend's bday, and she wanted to go out to the CT on that day ... so i said, HEY! why not .. anything for her :] I won't go into too much detail about what happened on that day, so I'll just cut it short and go straight to the main parts of the day:

  1. Arrived at the station at 9.20am ... I WAS LATE! I missed my bus .. hahaha ... My friends and I just made it on time to catch the next train ... any minute later, we could've missed it!
  2. Stopped at Circular Quay, and walked to the Opera House! It was a MAJOR change, coz whenever my friends and I went to the city, we would just bum around market city, taking capitols! LOL ... it was fun .. we CAMWH*RED in front of the opera house and took a few photos with the view of the harbour bridge in the bg!LOL! (in case any of you were wondering ... CAMWH*RE means going crazy with the camera ... YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! LOL )
  3. Walked to the Rocks Pancakes, to eat! HAHHAA another change! hahaha its funny, coz I've lived in Sydney for aout 15 years, and I still hadn't really been there before! haha YUMM! Its so expensive though ... for a small plate of crepes, its already $15, depending on what you decide to buy ... since there were 6 of us, we just chose one platter and halfed the payment ... we also ordered some pancakes for desert. My friend and I ordered the BANANARAMA! HAHAHA it was so DELICIOUS! :] Spent $15 there! LOL
  4. Next, we wanted to take CAPITOLS! (capitols is like ... a photo booth where u take photos and u get to decorate it afterwards!) So we walked from Circular Quay to Market City ... BAHHH ... it was like a ONE HOUR WALK! hahaha ... it was fun :] I hadn't been back there in ages, so it was great to finally have gone back! LOL
  5. After that, we walked around a bit, and bought some bread and easy way! it was yummm!
  6. Then at 4pm, we decided to go back home since it was getting late .. HAHA

So that was my day! HAHAHA And on Saturday, I went to my niece's 1st bday party, and then afterwards, we went over to a family friend's house .. then on Sunday I worked ... LOL ! :]

Anyway ... I thinkI've beenblabbing on a bit too much! LOL .. Til the next blog!

- Germaine:]


Well, its currently past 12 at night and I am so bored ... and YES i have school tomorrow/today, but im too lazy to get off .... but i will after this blog entry.

OMG! Last night (since it is past midnight) LOL, (all you Australians would know), the Terminal showed on channel 7 last night! I remember wanting to watch that for ages now, and I finally got the opportunity last night! I ended up crying during the parts between Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones, but its so stupid coz those parts between them weren't even sad !! But I cried anyway .. BAHAHHA its like waddapuk! =/ LMAO! Nonetheless, i LOVED it! I think i'll buy it on DVD ... BAHAHAHA ... I reckon most people would probably think otherwise of it, but i have this thing with movies where I end up loving the movies that i know most people hate! BAHAHAHA .... its hard to explain the type of movies I watch, but yeaaa ! I just end up crying in different parts of a movie that isn't necessarily sad! BAHAHHA I'm so lame :D I'm just a very EMOTIONAL person, that's all BAHAHAHA ! :] BUT BUT BUT ! with the terminal, i must say that the ending was kinda crap! It ended with him getting on the taxi and asking to "go home", and it ended without any explanation of what happened between him and Catherine Zeta-Jones! I was like ... so CUT! LOL! If they fixed up the end a bit better, i reckon the movie would've been MUCHbetter!

Anyway, for anybody who read my last blog entry, i promised that i would find a quiz somewhere on myspace for me to tax, and i found one! Its a quiz thingyy about the deadly sins or something? I think i did one before, but that was ages agoLMAO ! Unfortunately, its REALLY REALLY LONG!

But again ... FEEL FREE TO TAX IT! (if your bothered to that is!)


Who did you last get angry with? my sister i think?
What is your weapon of choice? For what? If in general, I think i`ll choose ... a sword? BAHAHA iunO !!
Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? why should i be the one doing the "hitting" BAHAHA ... they should come to me! LMAO BAHAHAHA !
How about the same sex? LOL! jokingly, yes? But anything more ... NO! LOL i like my guys thanks :] hahaha
Who was the last person who got really angry at you? LMAO! You tell me! BAHAHAHA
What is your pet peeve? wazzat? I forget what it means! LMAO! hahaha
Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily? Hmmz ... it depends? I try not to, so I let most grudges go ... but if it hurt me hardcore, then it would take a while for me to get over it ?


What is one thing you're suppose to do daily that you haven't? ummm ... STUDY ! I need motivation! :cry:
What is the latest you've ever woken up? 2pm - YES 2 IN THE ARVO! BAHAHAHHAA ! But i remember going to bed at like ... 4-5am?
Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't? Hrmmz ... My friend Jordan, i think ! LMAO
What is the last lame excuse that you made? Ummm ... "I'M LAZY!" bahahaha! but i always use it! hahaha
Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through? BAHAHA ... i probably have but didn't realise it was an infomercial! LMAO
How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock this morning? BAHAHAHA ! OMG! like ... 20+ times! I set my alarm to wake me up at 5.25am so i could go study, but by the time I woke up it was 6.30am coz i kept snoozing my alarm! BAHAHAHAHA:D


What is your overpriced beverage of choice? Hrmmz ... GUMBALLS or BOOST! For anyone who doesnt know what gumballs is, its a flavoured drink with your choice of jelly ... it costs like ... $3+ BAHAHA !
Are you a meat eater? Of course! I love my meat! BAHAHA
What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event? 1 bottle of a vodka cruiser? BAHAHA ... then i fell asleep 15 minutes later! BAHAHHA !
Are you comfortable with your drinking and eating habits? HELL NO! I've become quite unhealthy lately!
Do you enjoy candy and sweets? Lately, YES! I've had a sweet tooth all week !
Which do you prefer: sweets, salty foods or spicy foods? sweets :? SHAME ON ME! its really bad :P hahaha
Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "lunch"? WTF! HELL NO!


How many credit cards do you own? NONE! BAHAHA I'm only 16!
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?I'd donate some to various charities, contribute some in helping my family in the Philippines, help my parents and then do whatever i want with the rest I guess!
Would you rather be rich or famous? oOoft! That's a hard one ... famous i guess? But if i ever did become famous, i'd be careful! LMAO
Would you accept a boring job if it meant that you would make megabucks? No ... i'd rather spenda lifetime doingsomething i love rather than do something just for the money ...


What's one thing that you have done that you're most proud of? Hrmmz ... lots of stuff i guess ... I can't pick ! LMAO
What's one thing you have done that your parents are most proud of? Alot of things! Its hard to be too specific about something! LMAO
What thing would you like to accomplish late in your life? To have been able to travel around the world!
Do you get annoyed by coming in second place? Not really ... for me, its hard to try to compete with people ... it makes you stressed and pressures you hardcore! I can't do that :P LMAO!
Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors? not that i know of? I try to avoid anything that would decrease my self esteem ! LOL
Have you ever cheated to get a better score? Hrmmz ... as far as i can remember ... not really? But i can't say that im completely innocent from cheating to get a better score! LMAO
What did you do today that you're proud of? Watched the Terminal! LMAO BAHAHAHA


How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies, family, strippers, locker rooms)? LMAOOO ! I dont remember :S LMAO!
How many people have seen you naked (not counting physicians, doctors, family, locker rooms, or when you were a young child)? NONE! LMAO BAHAHHA
Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a person of your chosen sex during a normal conversation? BAHAHHA ! I think so ! There was this guest speaker coming to talk to my grade about university or something, and his fly was undone! BAHAHHAA ! I remember my friends and I were Laughing our as$es off when we saw it! BAHAHA
What is your favorite body part of a person of your gender choice? eyes and/or smile
Have you ever had sexual encounters (including kissing/making out) with multiple persons? MULTIPLE PERSONS?! No i have not!! LMAO!
Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute? LMAO ! hell no! BAHAHHA


What item of your friends would you most want to have for your own? A car? iunO! LMAO
Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces" with? Hrmmz ... I often ponder this question, but i can't think of anyone right now! BAHAHA ... Oh wait! I'd want to experience what it feels like to be Sophia Bush? LMAO! or Bethany Joy coz she gets to kiss James Lafferty! LMAO!
If you could be anyone who existed in the world, who would you be? Either my friend Kristine, Jamie or Eliza! LMAO!
Have you ever been cheated on? nahh LMAO!
Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own? sometimes! LMAO ...
What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself? the ability to sing REALLY WELL!! LMAO!

What deadly sin...
Do you do the most often? SLOTH!
Do you do the least often? I'd say ... pride! LMAO
Is your favorite to act on? SLOTH! BAHAHA! Its fun to be lazy :P HAHAHA

- Germaine :]

Level 6 - Small Wonder

YAY! I finally got to Level 6 ...

Small Wonder


Its surprising how I got to this level fast, even though I haven't really been posting any new bulletins up, but if any of you guys did notice, I changed my icon, my profile picture and my banner! I am finally getting the hang of photoshop ! I guess I need more practise, but I really only ever use it when I'm REALLY, REALLY bored! Which I was when i made some new stuff for my profile. I'm still in the middle of creating more for my TV.com profile, but I just haven't had the time! LOL .... Sorry to all you blog readers! I try to update frequently, but I just haven't really had the time ! LOL ... but i will try to update as much as I can, and I should really start posting up some replies to some posts/forums.

Anyway, I really want to go watch the new Simpsons movie! I heard its so AWESOME, but atm, I'm in some serious need of cash! I spent lots of money on some new clothes that I bought to wear for my friend's formal party last week, and my parents still haven't paid me back, so Ican't really go watchit right now ... Hopefully soon though!
AndYes, I DO work (I work at Toys 'r' Us in case any of you were wondering), but I still do rely on my parents to buy me stuff! LOL ... BAHAHAHA ...

Speaking of Toys 'r' Us, the store I work at just recruited/hired new people and they had their orientation last sunday, when i was working! BAHAHAHA ... seeing all those new and eager faces made me think back to my orientation day - which is a TOTAL BLUR, but I do remember feeling all excited to work at my first job! LOLOL ! As I walked to my locker to get my stuff, although i couldn't see everyone's faces, I could feel all of the eyes in the room staring at me! LMAO ... FUNNY!

I also remember when i first started working ... I was really only hired for the christmas period last year, when they needed staff during the busiest time of the year, and I remember having to wear this santa hat and having to stand outside of the store handing out catalogues to passing people, during the first hour of my first ever shift! LOL ... it was so embarassing ... then I remember being on registers the first time, and I swear, I KEPT STUFFING UP! LMAO ... i really didn't know what I was doing, partly due to the fact that I didn't really pay much attention during my Orientation (which is why everything that happened on that day is such a BLUR), but lucky for me, my admin manager was really, really nice! Then i remember not working for like 3 months, until I got called in, and sold 53 geoffrey balloons, and then they hired me permanently! Like i said before, I wasn't actually supposed to be permanently working there, but I guess they were impressed by the number of balloons I sold, that they decided to hire me permanently. LOL! Funny, coz to this day, I still don't remember anything that they told me during my orientation ... BAHAHAHA

Oooft, enough of my rambling! BAHAHHA... nehOo ... I better get back to my homework! Hopefully for my next blog entry, I have some kind of quiz thingyy that I was able to tax from somewhere, so that everyone elsecan tax it, especially for anyone whos BORED (like me) ! LMAO :]

- Germaine

The Harry Potter Movie!

Hello again to all of you Harry Potter fans! I have OFFICIALLY seen the movie today, and let me tell you that it was ...


It was so much better than I expected, and I reckon it was the best movie out of all of the other Harry Potter movies. Of course, there were some flaws, as the movie skipped ALOT of parts that were originally featured in the book, but believe me when i say that it was AWESOME! LIKE OMG! LOLOLOL! Trust me, I'm sure none of you guys will be disappointed ... in my opinion anyway! :]

For all of you ppl who have actually seen the movie, I have written my opinions about it, but there are ALOT of spoilers, so yea! HAHAHA

But can I just say how HOT most of the guy characters are! LIKE OMG! Daniel Radcliffe, AKA. HARRY POTTER was SO HOT, and you could really see how much he's changed from the first movie! :] And I reckon Ron and his twin brothers AND Malfoy wereVERY CUTE! LOLOL!

[spoiler] Ok, so about the movie ...I have so much to say, and I'm pretty sure most of you ppl wouldnt be bothered to read so much, so I'll just mention my MAIN thoughts on the movie ....

I reckon thespecial effects and the graphics were TERRIFIC, so KUDOS to the ppl who were in charge of that ....

First of all, the dementors werent even a LARGEsignificance throughout the movie, as they wereonly shown at the beggining, then was yet again mentionedat Harry's trial, and just ONE other part in the movie ... and that was it, which was quite disappointing, since the Dementorsplayed apretty large role in the book.Like them, Hagrid and his giant "half-brother" were again onlyfeatured in 2-3 scenes,which i reckon was enough i guess, but thenagain, they made it seem less important than it really was....

And to add to that, most of the characters were only briefly seen in no more than 4-5 scenes, which was disappointing, coz each character mentioned in the book all play such an important role for the story. The main characters that could only pretty much be seen were only Harry Potter, and Ron and Hermione. But it seemed like they werent seen as much as they were in previous movies. Not even Dumbledore was seen that much! Most of the characters there didn't say much either ... they might have just been "there" in the scene (as in you could see them), but that was it .... which again was DISAPPOINTING, but then it wouldve made the movie longer ...

Nonetheless, the acting was believable and VERY natural, so KUDOS TO ALL OF THE ACTORS!

AND OMG! I LITERALLY CRIED AT THE END OF THE MOVIE WHEN SIRIUS DIED! I knew it was coming, but like ... COME ON ! ITS SIRIUS BLACK PPL! HES LIKE ... COOL! HAHAHALOL .... But SERIOUSLY, the lookon Harry's face was just devestating, and I really felt forhim ! :cry: Butas"constructive criticism", theend fighting scene between Sirius and Malfoy was like .... so QUICK ... it only lasted like .... no more than 20 seconds, i reckon! (Well thats how long it felt like anyway)LOL it was so quick ... which was really disappointing, coz if you think about it,they kind of portrayed Sirius as being weaker than he realy is in the book! It was like, he was killed instantly, as if he didn't fight back, but we all know that in the book, he put up a REALLY GOOD FIGHT! But OMG .... its such a loss ! :(

And the actor who played Umbridge was really GOOD! She was also very NATURAL, and it really I'm pretty sure most of the audience were really disliking her throughout the movie, which in fairness, says everything about her acting! KUDOS to her!

And OMG! Hermione and Ron look so CUTE together, its like AHHHHHH ! :]AND OMG!HARRY POTTER CANACTUALLYKISS! ahhahahaa it was like ...so NATURAL :] hes a HOT KISSER! BAHAHAHA :D [/spoiler]

Overall, I'd give the movie 8/10,as it did have its flaws, but it was worth it ! They fitted almost enough of the story into a span of 2 and a 1/2 hours which is definitely an achievement that should be greatly acknowledged! So KUDOS to all who worked on the movie, as everyone did a MARVELOUS job!

the movie....

I recommend it to you all, and I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT BOOK! :]

- Germaine

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