Has it really been that long since i last posted up a blog entry?!
oOofted! sorry to all you blog readers for the lack of blog updates ... its been so hectik lately, and i just haven't found the time to type up blog entries and stuff! My sincere apologies to all! HAHAHA!
Christmas is coming! Did any of you guys realise how fast the time goes by ?! HAHAHA OHH and speaking of celebrations ... its my birthday next tuesday, November 13th! i kind of almost forgot that it was, until i remembered how the year 10ers are gonna be doing their school certificate on the 12th november and onwards .... HAHAHA i don't think i'll end up remembering, coz i don't even remember what the date is today ! i'll probably end up thinking it was a normal day, but really its the day i turn 17! Like =O HAHAHAHA but yes :) random, i know ... but yes! LOL ! EWWW i feel so old now! HAHAHA :)
Another update is the fact that I have now officially started year 12 ... my HSC year! OMGSH i swear, im like really freaking out atm, coz i have so many assessments due in the next few weeks, and like ... i have to make sure that i do it well coz every single assessment and test that i do counts towards my final HSC mark! *stresses* LOLOL And what's even more scary is the fact that I've got one year of high school left! It's such a depressing thought, but then its also kind ofEXCITING too! hahaha ... =( but im trying not to think about it just yet ... my main focus right now is to study hard and get through the rest of the year! LOL!
I'm in major One Tree Hill withdrawwal right now, which i'm sure all of you other OTH fans are experiencing as well, but seriously ... its killing me! I've been going on OTH marathons just to try to pass this withdrawal!
Ohh and one more thing! I went to the state library today as a little excursion for society and culture. I didn't end up dropping it :(Anyway, the library was nice, but today was such a cloudy andgloomy day, that everytime i think about it, i get these weirdo vibes!WEIRD right? And to add to that, i still havent figured out a topic yet, and its one of the things that is really freaking me out right now! But yes! Just thought i'd mention that little fact hahaha!
Anyway, to cut this blog entry short, I decided to post up another one of these quiz thingies, since i know a lot of people like to do them!If i don't stop now, i'll probably end up rambling til theres no tomorrow! HAHAHA ! This quiz thingyy is similar to one of the other ones i posted in one of my old blog entries, but yeaa :) hahaha its different! hahahaha !
You have to use 3 words to answer each question. No more, no less. It's harder than you think.
1. Where is your cell phone?
somewhere over there!
2. Your girlfriend/boyfriend/hubby?
is non-existent
3. Your hair?
is like, ICKY!
4. Where is your father?
watching the news!
6. Your favorite thing to do?
music, tv, sleep!
7. Your dream last night?
quite odd actually!
8. Your favorite drink?
is green tea :D
9. Your dream car?
where to start? (LOLOL)
10. The room you're in?
my lovely bedroom!
12. Your fears?
please dont ask!
14. Who did you hang out with last night?
me, myself, i !
15. What aren't you good at?
lots of things!
16. Muffins?
at muffin break? (LOLOL)
17. One of your wish list items?
*blushes, smiles, giggles*
19. The last thing you did?
drank green tea!
20. What are you wearing?
very warm clothing! :D
22. Your pet?
is annoying me!
23. Your computer?
can suck balls! (LOLOLOL)
24. Your life?
is pretty good!
25. Your mood?
stressed, worried, anxious
26. Missing?
my life before.
27. What are you thinking about right now?
lots of things!
28. Your car?
ford, black, sedan!
29. Your work?
soon@cotton on! (the @ isnt considered a word, right?! LOLOL)
30. Your summer?
i can't wait!
31. Your relationship status?
am currently single! (LMAO)
32. Your favorite color(s)?
orange, black, white!
33. When is the last time you laughed?
one hour ago!
34. Last time you cried?
whilst watching movie!
35. School?
stresses me out! :(
Anyway, feel free to tax it !
Til next time,
- Germaine
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