Ever wake up on a Monday morning, not in the mood to go to school, uni or work, coz you'd rather sleep in, or because you want a change from your everyday routine? LOL ! If you must know, I am at home coz I felt that exact feeling this morning when I woke up! And in case you were wondering ...I didn't go to school! I'm not proud of it, but I don't regret it either ... LOL ... it was just one of those days when I didn't want to proceed with my usual monday rituals, which continue on throughout the rest of the week ... with the weekend asa slight exception. This is a pathetic excuse, but hey! It's just one of those days! LOL...
Anyway, I haven't blogged in ages, so I thought ... hey! I SHOULD BLOG! hahaha .. so here i am!
Well ... I actually had a EXTRA long weekend, coz I didn't have school last Friday due to staff development day ... that day was supposed to be a study day .. but not for me! It was my friend's bday, and she wanted to go out to the CT on that day ... so i said, HEY! why not .. anything for her :] I won't go into too much detail about what happened on that day, so I'll just cut it short and go straight to the main parts of the day:
- Arrived at the station at 9.20am ... I WAS LATE! I missed my bus .. hahaha ... My friends and I just made it on time to catch the next train ... any minute later, we could've missed it!
- Stopped at Circular Quay, and walked to the Opera House! It was a MAJOR change, coz whenever my friends and I went to the city, we would just bum around market city, taking capitols! LOL ... it was fun .. we CAMWH*RED in front of the opera house and took a few photos with the view of the harbour bridge in the bg!LOL! (in case any of you were wondering ... CAMWH*RE means going crazy with the camera ... YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! LOL )
- Walked to the Rocks Pancakes, to eat! HAHHAA another change! hahaha its funny, coz I've lived in Sydney for aout 15 years, and I still hadn't really been there before! haha YUMM! Its so expensive though ... for a small plate of crepes, its already $15, depending on what you decide to buy ... since there were 6 of us, we just chose one platter and halfed the payment ... we also ordered some pancakes for desert. My friend and I ordered the BANANARAMA! HAHAHA it was so DELICIOUS! :] Spent $15 there! LOL
- Next, we wanted to take CAPITOLS! (capitols is like ... a photo booth where u take photos and u get to decorate it afterwards!) So we walked from Circular Quay to Market City ... BAHHH ... it was like a ONE HOUR WALK! hahaha ... it was fun :] I hadn't been back there in ages, so it was great to finally have gone back! LOL
- After that, we walked around a bit, and bought some bread and easy way! it was yummm!
- Then at 4pm, we decided to go back home since it was getting late .. HAHA
So that was my day! HAHAHA And on Saturday, I went to my niece's 1st bday party, and then afterwards, we went over to a family friend's house .. then on Sunday I worked ... LOL ! :]
Anyway ... I thinkI've beenblabbing on a bit too much! LOL .. Til the next blog!
- Germaine:]