*g3eh / Member

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That Monday feeling ...

Ever wake up on a Monday morning, not in the mood to go to school, uni or work, coz you'd rather sleep in, or because you want a change from your everyday routine? LOL ! If you must know, I am at home coz I felt that exact feeling this morning when I woke up! And in case you were wondering ...I didn't go to school! I'm not proud of it, but I don't regret it either ... LOL ... it was just one of those days when I didn't want to proceed with my usual monday rituals, which continue on throughout the rest of the week ... with the weekend asa slight exception. This is a pathetic excuse, but hey! It's just one of those days! LOL...

Anyway, I haven't blogged in ages, so I thought ... hey! I SHOULD BLOG! hahaha .. so here i am!

Well ... I actually had a EXTRA long weekend, coz I didn't have school last Friday due to staff development day ... that day was supposed to be a study day .. but not for me! It was my friend's bday, and she wanted to go out to the CT on that day ... so i said, HEY! why not .. anything for her :] I won't go into too much detail about what happened on that day, so I'll just cut it short and go straight to the main parts of the day:

  1. Arrived at the station at 9.20am ... I WAS LATE! I missed my bus .. hahaha ... My friends and I just made it on time to catch the next train ... any minute later, we could've missed it!
  2. Stopped at Circular Quay, and walked to the Opera House! It was a MAJOR change, coz whenever my friends and I went to the city, we would just bum around market city, taking capitols! LOL ... it was fun .. we CAMWH*RED in front of the opera house and took a few photos with the view of the harbour bridge in the bg!LOL! (in case any of you were wondering ... CAMWH*RE means going crazy with the camera ... YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! LOL )
  3. Walked to the Rocks Pancakes, to eat! HAHHAA another change! hahaha its funny, coz I've lived in Sydney for aout 15 years, and I still hadn't really been there before! haha YUMM! Its so expensive though ... for a small plate of crepes, its already $15, depending on what you decide to buy ... since there were 6 of us, we just chose one platter and halfed the payment ... we also ordered some pancakes for desert. My friend and I ordered the BANANARAMA! HAHAHA it was so DELICIOUS! :] Spent $15 there! LOL
  4. Next, we wanted to take CAPITOLS! (capitols is like ... a photo booth where u take photos and u get to decorate it afterwards!) So we walked from Circular Quay to Market City ... BAHHH ... it was like a ONE HOUR WALK! hahaha ... it was fun :] I hadn't been back there in ages, so it was great to finally have gone back! LOL
  5. After that, we walked around a bit, and bought some bread and easy way! it was yummm!
  6. Then at 4pm, we decided to go back home since it was getting late .. HAHA

So that was my day! HAHAHA And on Saturday, I went to my niece's 1st bday party, and then afterwards, we went over to a family friend's house .. then on Sunday I worked ... LOL ! :]

Anyway ... I thinkI've beenblabbing on a bit too much! LOL .. Til the next blog!

- Germaine:]