Not gay just a "girl crush". What is a girl crush (I know this sounds funny, but there is actually something called "girl crushes". A girl crush... A key element to the girl crush is arguably the appearance of the crushee, and yet the classic girl crush is decidedly nonsexual. It refers to that fervent infatuation that one heterosexual woman develops for another woman who may seem impossibly sophisticated, gifted, beautiful or accomplished. And while a girl crush is, by its informal definition, not sexual in nature, the feelings that it triggers - excitement, nervousness, a sense of novelty - are very much like those that accompany a new romance.This is not a new phenomenon. Women, especially young women, have always had such feelings of adoration for each other. Social scientists suspect such emotions are part of women's nature, feelings that evolution may have favored because they helped women bond with one another and work cooperatively. What's new is the current generation's willingness to express their ardor frankly. Most woman don't voice these "girl crushes" because our society is so square... people think OMG am I gay I can't be gay you can't be gay you're not allowed! "Girl Crushes" don't mean you're gay so calm down. "Still, a crush is a relatively mild form of infatuation. People have killed themselves over true love, said Helen Fisher, an anthropologist at Rutgers University who has written extensively on human love. Think of Romeo and Juliet. With a girl crush, Dr. Fisher said, "you won't kill yourself if she doesn't want to jump rope with you." For that reason, girl crushes can give women safe and valuable experience in the emotions of love." "The brain system for romantic love is associated with intense energy, focused energy, obsessive things - a host of characteristics that you can feel not just toward a mating sweetheart," Dr. Fisher said, adding that "there's every reason to think that girls can fall in love with other girls without feeling sexual towards them, without the intention to marry them."
I got this info from these sites: -
SO I just wanted to Blog about this, because I always get girl crushes (Emily Deschanel, Jennifer Garner, Sandra Bullock, Reese Witherspoon... a lot of female actress) I thought I was bi becuase I like guys too, but they are JUST girl crushes! I had a girl crush on this one girl who will be coming to my school, I don't know why, but... they are girl crushes, I guess EVERY woman gets them, and again they are
-feelings of admiration and adoration which a girl has for another girl, without wanting to get intimate. A nonsexual attraction, usually based on veneration at some level.
-The admiraton one girl has for another. It could be to do with hair, body, make-up, car, clothes, career, talents etc. Completely non-sexual. Girl crushes are generally very short-lived, as girls move on very quickly from trends.