Select one to hurt it (deduct 1 point), and then heal (add 1 point) to another character on the other side.When a soldier loses all it's points, it is defeated. When one side loses all its army, the other side wins! Tip: To avoid having to type out the table, just copy and paste my table, and make your changes.
Have fun!
Luigi's mansion
King Boo-20
Gold Ghost-2
Purple Puncher-4
Ceiling Surprise-1
Garbage Can Ghost-8
Grabbing Ghost-3
Shy Guy Army
General Guy-15
Snifit Bot/Anarchus Spider-25
Shy Squad- 15
Boo Guy- 10
Stilt Guy- 7
Snifit- 9
Flying Snifit- 6
Shy Guy- 3
Shy Stack-4