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*gilmoregirls007 Blog

my GG adventure

sooooooo im on season 6 now. i just finsihed disc number one. last episode i watched was when lor and rory are martha and daveys godmothers. this season is sooooooooo sad. first rory and lorelai arent talking and fighting :[[ then luke/lorelai start falling apart. total sucka season :[[ but still addicting!! haa. how can u nott loveeeeeeeee it. not luke/lorelai falling aart though. thats veryyyyyyyyyy horrible. always when i watch the end of season 6 i think NO!! DONT DO IT LOR!! DONT GO TO CHRIS!! but she always does. and it hits me really hard every time! my heart completely rips apart!! then i basically stay in denial all the way through the beginning odf season 7 all the way til lor and chris break up. sooooooo,,im completely dreading coming to the end of season 6 cause i know i will completely fall apart again. *sigh* well wish me more luck that i dont completely fall apart this time!! haa/ thnx,,

dreading the end of season 6,,


soooo todayyyy::haaa

i finally got a new phone!! and me and brittany are going to embark on our GG journey! every season from beginning to end. no pausing or fastforwarding..not even through dean or nicole parts :P haaaaaaaaaaaaa. im going to hit play and not stop til i hit the end of the disc. and i'll prolly take breaks between each disc but other than pausing or fastforwarding!! haa. wish me luck!! baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahha. lol




im starting it all over agin!! thats right. each and every bit of every single episode! no fastforwarding, no stopping til i end the disc! im getting nervous about starting high school next year so im gonna need an entire gilmore girls fix!! sooooooo im getting off now. going to go watch me some gilmore girls..peace.

ready for this,



ech_feeling crummy..

and sad cause i watched the whole series again with my mom and we finsihed it and makes me feel the pain of it ending all over again :( blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

makes me feel sad..anyways//

thats all :]]

JUNE 3RD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sniff*

ok..well todays june 3rd..*sniffsniff* mkayy so today is a very sad day for an official java junkies; written in the stars member..........*sniff* k well im gonna try not to cry..mmmm june 3rd. sad. just think that on this day like 2 years ago..luke and lorelai would be getting married :[[ sad >...< anyways im going to try to stop thinking about now sooo i dont stop bawling......*snifff* ok ok ok be well gtg keep my mind busy. later

sad as can be,,


java junkies!!!!!! read this..

well today-all ive been thinking about is...guess what? gilmore girls..and luke and lorelai's relationship and how it really changed..but yet didnt! they were LIKE bestfriends..then the'd fight and "hate" each other..then they started dating..then broke up and didnt speak for like a year_then became friends again and rekindled the flame of their love for each other. well if you think about it..when they were friends..then theyd fight but they ALWAYS made up pretty quickly and even if they were still fighting and they needed help or someone to talk to they went to each other. then they dated. and while they were dating they were like bestfriends..told each other everything. then they broke but even though they didnt see each other that much when luke needed help with april who did he call?? lorelai. because he knew her so well and knew that evne though they were over she would still help him no matter what. and when he needed someone to write his character reference..who did he ask?? lorelai. because..once again..he knew she would help him no matter what and because she knows him better than anyone else. (and thats why they were so perfect together) and because she knew excatly what to put. and when they started running into each other and became friends again..they both relized again how much they mean to each other. (and thats why it didnt work out with chris cause lorelai wasnt happy not having luke in her life and she needed him)..................and they relized they still loved each other..but of course never said this out loud! then when luke made that ah-mazing gesture of kindness lorelai saw deep in her heart and relized how much he cared for her [[and rory]] and they kiss.....and luke gives her a necklace! and i relized that throughout everything..they were always the person the other one wanted to tell things to and listen to and be around no matter what. and they relized their lives were much worse when the other one wasnt in theirs...[lol confusing] but they always knew (deep down) that they belonged together and couldnt live without each other and that they were never REALLY apart..their hearts were always in the exact same place! [[yess all that went through my head!]] and then i had to rush here and write it down before i forgot!! hahaa sooo any thoughts?? agree? disagree?

okay um??

well so its about 11:00 am and im completely bored!! parents are at work and im just soooooooo bored so i decided to write a blog so...hey wats up peoples?? hi my name is ashley and im a gilmore girls addict! (haha DVD OWNERS CLUB!!) yess anyways im just sitting here watching gilmor girls on my computer and im watching the episode where lorelai tells rory that she thinks shes dating luke!! on episode 22, season 4 outside thye diner..haha and then she goes in and crashes everything off the table! hahahahah and yeah im having a good ole time here by myself...umm lets see ah...oogle bogle tripim olgahjumpim...yeah! uh hockeypuck. rattlesnake. monkey. monkey underpants! haha thats from gilmore girls!!!!! yeh and im going in two weeks to help with my grandma's VBS at her church so i wont be on for the week of june yupp. i have to admit working there is kinda fun. i get to babysit 1 and 2 year olds and my grandmas relly cool. and ive done it for the past 4 years so i already know everyone there and so its all good. its in fisherville though which means i spend a week with my grandparents and cousin cause i dont live near there like they do...anyways tata for now i guess!! ~*ashley*~


im knida confused and stuff cause i just joined and im pretty confused!!

if anyone wants to give some advice i'd be thankful!!
