sooooooo im on season 6 now. i just finsihed disc number one. last episode i watched was when lor and rory are martha and daveys godmothers. this season is sooooooooo sad. first rory and lorelai arent talking and fighting :[[ then luke/lorelai start falling apart. total sucka season :[[ but still addicting!! haa. how can u nott loveeeeeeeee it. not luke/lorelai falling aart though. thats veryyyyyyyyyy horrible. always when i watch the end of season 6 i think NO!! DONT DO IT LOR!! DONT GO TO CHRIS!! but she always does. and it hits me really hard every time! my heart completely rips apart!! then i basically stay in denial all the way through the beginning odf season 7 all the way til lor and chris break up. sooooooo,,im completely dreading coming to the end of season 6 cause i know i will completely fall apart again. *sigh* well wish me more luck that i dont completely fall apart this time!! haa/ thnx,,
dreading the end of season 6,,