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Another Life Update

I just got done paying my 2 months finally for the month of May.  This is goingt o be one hectic month for me and my girlfriend because she is going to go down to North Carolina with her mom and her brother for her cousin's 1st bithday and which he is very cut i have to agree.  My 21st birthday is coming up on the 12th of this month and which i am glad because i will be 21 and my dad cannot kick me out of his bar for not being 21 now he has to put up with me while im off the clock. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. And me and my girlfriend just got done with our 4 mounth anniversary on the 29th of April And it was one of the best days that we spent together in a long time we went out and played a round of frisbee golf up at Missenewa Resevor which was a bad choice.  Well I got to go for now and i will catch youj on the flip side.





This weather is absolutly nuts one week its snowing then the next it in the 70"s.  Now if thats not nuts then i dont know what is.  Well lets just say that i hope it warms up and stays warm for a while so that me and the guys can go play some frisbee golf.  Cause im ready for a good 9 holes lets just say that.  Well im outta here for right now so i will talk to you all later and i will catch you in the flip side sometime that is.








Spring you call it spring when it gets to the hi 20's low 30's at night and barely hit 50 if that during the day.  I call that fall in November not spring in April.  Cause im at my girlfriends house and i am freezing to death.  Lets just hope that this gets better soon cause im starting to get sick and tired of the cold im ready to be able to wear shorts again.  Well catch you all later.





Well today was Easter Sunday the that our Lord and Savior rose from the grave and conquered the grave.  Me and my girlfriend spent mosty of the day together and just hung out.  I finally got her card to her about 10:30 tonight and she absolutely loved.  Well this is all for now Catch y'all later.




My Girlfriend

My girlfriend all that i can really say about her is that she is amazing.  She truely is something special to me.  We met on a website called myspace.  When we first met online we started talking online for about 2 months and we finally had the oppurtunity to meet.  Whem we did she turned out to be very shy we really did not talk that much when we were face to face cause we always talked about everything online. Lets just say that as thick as her shyness was i finally broke through it.  And she turned out to be the perfect girlfriend.  She ruined my plans because i had planned on asking her to be my girlfriend on New Years Eve and she asked me to be her boyfriend on December 29.  2 days before I had plan to ask her.  Well that about it for us.  And if she reads this I just want her to know that i will always love her with all my heart and i will do anything for her even if it means dieing for her.





Life (Continued)

Well I payed our first months rent last week so i guess that means that i am offically moved in now which is great because that means that i get to spend all the time that i want with the woman truely means something to me. Well this one was a short one but i thought that i might keep you updated.



My Job

I work at a restaurant called Neds Corner Pub that is located in Kokomo, Indiana.  We have been voted the best Breaded Tenderloins in town for the past 3-4 years straight.  And i am one of the lucky ones that knows the process of makeing one of these from scratch.  My father and my uncle took over the business 11 years ago when my grandfather passed away.  I sometimes help out when i am available with the banking, paper work, food delivery and cutting meat.  And we also added a new item to our menu for when it is available (ONLY AVAILABLE AT CERTAIN TIMES) is The Breaded Sausage Sandwich.  I work anywhere from 30-45 hours every week.  Well thats about all I have to say about my job.  If anyone is ever in Kokomo, Indiana go ahead and swing by the Pub for a cold beer or a sandwich we do have family side if you have children.  The address is 105 W Markland Ave. Hope to see you all there.  Phone Number is 765-452-7352





I have a girlfriend that I am happily in love with.  I am moving in with her within the next month.  She is really something special and I am so glad that she found me.  She means the world to me and I would do anything for her. And I love her to death.  I have a full-time job at a restraunt named Neds Corner Pub.  Well I will catch you on the flip side.


Ryan (~Glunty~) Glunt