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My first Blog

So, I thought I would spend my first blog complaining about work.  Yes, everyone loves to complain. 

I'm a cocktail waitress and bartender, and I've never understood the audacity of many of my customers.  Unfortunately, as a tipped emplyee, I'm only getting paid $3.06 an hour, way less than minimum wage.  Fortunately I'm good at my job, have pulled in regulars who tip me very well, and hence if you average my tips out, I make about $10-$12 an hour... on a good night.  Recently, I had a bad night, this past Monday, due to the fact it was Memorial Day, was the worst night I've worked in a while.  None of my regulars came in, in fact I only had six tables all night... cheapskates, if you will.  People who only tip 10%.  Newsflash people... 10% is not the norm.  It is not considered to be a "GREAT" tip.  15% is now considered to be the norm and is considered average.  20% is great. Grrr... Well, Monday night, after working 8 hours, I had only made $30, yikes.  Worst night ever.